Unclassified letter reveals NSA’s warrantless purchase of Americans’ internet browsing data | Senator Ron Wyden wants the practice to stop::undefined

  • @dan42O
    105 months ago

    🤬 At this point I’m not surprised, data brokers don’t need to exists, period. There is no such thing as privacy anymore. You gotta have a vpn just to surf. You gotta buy your own plot of land to have your own food. Like WTH!

  • @nodsocket@lemmy.world
    55 months ago

    The NSA isn’t the root of the problem, it’s the fact that data brokers are literal doxxing companies. Their sole purpose is to dox people for profit.

    Unfortunately, stopping data brokers is just like stopping piracy, it’s almost impossible. As long as there is a single country where it’s legal then data brokers will continue to steal and sell personal data to whoever wants it.