image description: Twitter post by Faith Naff @faithnaff.
I think trans people should get thrown transition showers like brides and pregnant people get. All your friends come over to celebrate this big moment in your life, gift you things to start living your true gender, and just have a big party. Can we make that a thing?
These should be the real gender reveal parties.
Trans people should appropriate them and leave out the wildfire stuff
If I go by the trans people I know, they’d rather be locked in a casket than being the centerpiece of a party.
I would have loved a party if I’d had a supportive environment when I started transitioning. I’ve known some trans men that threw “T” parties when they started HRT, complete with joke gifts like Man™ butt wipes and stuff like that.
A trans friend of mine actually did this. After she came out publicly, her wife threw her a coming out party at their place.
I like the idea, but I’m so… Weird about getting gifts, idk something else to talk about in therapy I guess. I do want to renew my vows with my spouse once I’ve transitioned, complete with a wedding dress this time around, and also thinking about wedding ring tattoos.
I have been trying and failing to fill this hole in my heart since I realized I’m female. Usually fill it with cheap clothes. Like… I wanna force the process to be faster. But it just isn’t.
I feel like making it through a day of this fascist hell as a trans person deserves a party!
but yes I’m all for throwing parties for my beautiful trans siblings <3
Huge waste of energy imho, I’d rather just have some peace instead
It’s not like we want to force it on anyone, you do whatever you feel like. But I like the idea, and I think many people would have really liked to have one.
The idea is cool. BUT (warning opinion) I feel like that makes being trans something of a “better state” then being cis or something else. I felt this very strongly when I first heard about the whole LGBTQ+ thingy and thought that people are just celebrating themselves for being special little snowflakes. By now, I know that this is not true, but I always felt it to be a bit demeaning, that all of a sudden everyone -but- cis hetero people got celebrated for some reason. By now I’ve turned out to be trans, but I still think this way. I specifically find it a bit demeaning, that we got all these funky coloured sexuality flags, but the hetero one is just -black and white-. Like, the most boring thing ever.
Wow I must really sound like some weirdo defending her opinion on some black and white stripes. Most controversial opinion to date!
LGBTQ+ pride typically means “the rejection of shame” not “accomplishment”
but also transitioning seems to me (a queer cis dude) to require a whole hell of a lot of effort, so it’s kinda both I suppose.
anyways, the cishets don’t need your defense, save your energy
Being trans is a better state than pretending to be cis. We can be proud and celebrate our achievements without having to consider the feelings of cis folks. Heterosexuals have several flags, if they don’t like one they can make more.
Pride isn’t a party telling you how special you are. It’s a reaction against living in a society that tells you that you should be ashamed of being queer and a rejection of shame.
All the Pride month ads in the world don’t undo having to evaluate whether or not it’s safe to be out at work, or if your spouse should be with you when checking out that one bedroom apartment you want to rent, or if your doctor is going to treat you differently (all things that have gone south for me when someone learned I was gay and trans).