I’m a person who tends to program stuff in Godot and also likes to look at clouds. Sometimes they look really spicy outside.
I was genuinely asking.
I’m talking about the original photo. Who is this guy and what did he do to get people talking about “his smile”
Not? :(
But it feels wrong to assign all ones problems to one thing, if it does make sense to do so.
More like: how to talk to tall people.
would be weird if you had to ask them to sit on ones lap like that…
Who is this guy? What happened? What did he do?
who is this person? what did he do any why are there plenty memes about him?
If this is a mini pizza, then that bowl must be super smol
Yes I don’t know any of these.
The scale of this picture is very consufing.
What is up with this one?
You are yummy no matter if u have a sticker on ur face!
That’s interesting! Thank you for sharing!
I know SuperTuxKart pretty well, and yes, I do like it. Mostly for its goofieness though…
You’re right, but the game itself is pretty well made.
I also can’t figure out Veloren. But that’s kinda what makes it interesting to me.
I looked at Atlyss and it looked really good! Might check out soon.
Its rewritten from the start by the community. So there’s no more Disney in it. Have a look!
Woah really? Thank you!!! <3
:o spooning mentioned! <3
So he killed a CEO, and the internet loves it, cuz eating dead meat it more accepted than eating living meat?