Presidential hopefuls vying for a spot on Illinois’ March 19 primary ballot had to submit their nominating petitions to the State Board of Elections on Thursday or Friday. The loyalty pledge is not required but is a long-standing tradition that candidates undertake as part of that paperwork.

    • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
      8 months ago

      Yeah, I think he is being backed into a corner where he is all in on either “winning” the election or using his cult (this includes members of congress/military/etc.) to try and take the government so he doesn’t have to answer for his crimes. He basically has nothing left to lose, which is why it’s scary that states are putting him on the primary ballot to begin with. Letting him win the nomination and then should the Supreme Court decide that he (or any/every) president have absolute immunity to commit crimes and that the 14th amendment applies to him, things are going to get a lot more ugly. If he makes it all the way till November I think we are going to see violence from the right that makes Jan. 6 seem like a warm-up run.