Thinking of leaving Lemmy for kbin or mbin to have Mastodon integration. Mastodon is my favorite place in the fediverse and it looks like kbin/mbin will allow me to interact with EVERYTHING under one account rather than have a Lemmy and Mastodon account.

  • ThatOneKirbyMain2568
    6 months ago

    I prefer Kbin. It has the latest features (magazine collections, an aggregate view that combines threads and microblog posts, more options, etc.) , and I really like the developer @ernest. Aside from just being cool, he posts frequent updates over on @kbinDevlog.

    Something worth noting is that Kbin doesn’t have many instances. is the main one, and the only other decently up-to-date one I know of is, run by the creator of the Interstellar app for Kbin. On the other hand, Mbin has more instances, as most established Kbin instances switched to it at the time it was created (during which Kbin development had been inactive for about a month). Also, Mbin has a more community-oriented development system tmk, whereas Kbin development is closely managed by Ernest.

    • jpatches
      25 months ago

      @ThatOneKirbyMain2568 Since you seem to be much more acquainted with the ins and outs of Kbin, can you tell me if there is any way to see the pictures contained in the posts in their full size from the get go or a single click? I click the thumbnail to get to the post, and then have to click it again because the picture in the post is the exact same size as the thumbnail. I know it’s not a huge problem, but even having a peek feature like reddit does would go a long way.

      @kbinDevlog @ernest @Jezebelley3D

      • ThatOneKirbyMain2568
        25 months ago

        The image icon in the bottom left corner of image posts can be clicked, showing the image at a larger size (i.e., what you’d get if you were to enable “Auto Media Preview” in the sidebar). There are a couple of userstyles that make this more button-like, such as kleanbin and (my own userstyle) idkbin.

        The icon I’m talking about

    • Jezebelley3D
      26 months ago

      Hey cool I’m replying to myself via my brand new kbin account! Your comment about having an All Content option combining maga and micros made up my mind for me!

      • ThatOneKirbyMain2568
        46 months ago

        Welcome! Yeah, the All Content view is great — probably my favorite feature added in the past few months. I have my home page set to Subscriptions (All Content), and it’s the best. I see threads from my favorite magazines and microblog posts on tech & fediverse stuff.

        • Jezebelley3D
          06 months ago

          Quick question… is having upload issues at the moment? I’m on mobile and I can’t seem to get an image to upload to my microblog post.

          • Pamasich
            6 months ago

   has just had some big issues recently and still hasn’t fully recovered (which is why development is currently stalled), so it’s absolutely possible you’ll run into more issues currently than usual. Not sure if what you’re experiencing there is part of that though.

          • ThatOneKirbyMain2568
            26 months ago

            Image uploading on microblog posts should be fine. Right now, Kbin’s image uploading UI doesn’t actually give any visual feedback when you click the upload file button, but it does upload.

            In general, Kbin (and by extension Mbin) is quite early in its development, so you’ll run into a good few bugs and odd UI issues. They should be resolved in the near future, and as I mentioned earlier, you can go to /m/kbinDevlog to follow progress.

  • originalucifer
    56 months ago

    i run an mbin instance ( due to the recent fork, they are more or less identical… the APIs are still in sync, etc. mobile apps that work on on should work on the other. it might break apart in the future, not sure.

    i donate to kbin financially to support the original source of kbin, but manage/prefer a community-developed platform so ive chose mbin.