The mods of reddit/r/twoxchromosomes knew that their sub name was gender essentialist from a month after they created a “women’s” sub with chromosomes in the name. They had every opportunity to do the right thing and migrate their community to a different /r/. But they didn’t, they continued to promote a sub built on transphobia until it was a default sub putting gender essentialism in front of every single new user on the site.

The migration to Lemmy is the perfect time to undo the wrongs of the past. It’s a brand new community and we have a chance to do some good. We’re not beholden to the names of the past.

Mods: Please please please PLEASE lock this community, delete all posts, and pin a redirect to a community with a better name. Why not /c/women or /c/genderdiversity? There are a hundred names better than this one. What’s the justification for the twoxchromosomes name

The name XX was chosen just because it illustrates the essence of this subreddit and its target Redditors–girly and geeky, and subtly awesome. (You can look here and here to see how the name came about.)

Really? We’re going to associate girliness with a genotype? We’re going to brag about being cisgender? There is no excuse for platforming these ideas. Now is the time to do better.

  • Athé
    1 year ago

    Come on. The absolute basis of womanhood are the XX chromosomes for the vast majority of women. To be denied our lived experience is bullshit.

    Those chromosomes have caused me to start getting catcalled at 12 years old. We’ve been treated like shit and oppressed for thousands of years and we’ve only begun to have emancipation. And now what we can’t have a community that isn’t even transexclusionary?!

    There’s /c/women there are other communities if the name bothers you.

    • HardlightCereal@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I didn’t know strangers on the street were consulting DNA test results to decide whether to catcall you. I thought they were just looking at external markers of gender. Markers that would be 100% visible on trans girls and AFAB intersex people. I don’t see how being a young women and subject to misogyny has anything to do with your chromosomes, unless you’re convinced that chromosomes define gender.

      1 year ago

      Just FYI, because it seems like you want a trans-exclusionary sub, this is not the one for you. Sidebar rules state the belief here is that trans women are women, and as OP pointed out, the misogyny you describe is often a result of gender perception rather than chromosomal makeup.