Weekly thread to discuss whatever you’re working on, big or small, at work or in your free time.

    • shellsharksOPMA
      111 months ago

      W/e project you’re most interested in, I recommend having a blog to document your journey as you go. =)

  • @pezhore
    111 months ago

    I’m working on a comprehensive Restic backup playbook for all my homelabs stuff - backing up to Wasabi S3 (encrypted of course).

    So far, so good - the biggest challenge is figuring out what exactly needs to be backed up in order to completely recover.

    PDNS and Proxmox are the big bugbears. Netbox/misc other servers are fairly straightforward.

    • shellsharksOPMA
      211 months ago

      Dope. I wish I had more time for some hardcore home-labbing stuff. Well, it’s not that I don’t have time, it’s just I have a ton of other projects I keep lumping on top… need to just finish some things and then get into it…

  • @alex_02
    111 months ago

    Need to stop procrastrinating and write another small util and start on something as well. I’m really tired.

    • shellsharksOPMA
      111 months ago

      What kind of small util are you considering?

      • @alex_02
        211 months ago

        I want to automate generating SSH keys and copying to server all on the client side which I want to use in conjuction with my other SSH tool.

        Might also write some middleware for a HTTPS redirector, but haven’t decided. Feeling a bit under the weather at the moment so…

  • shellsharksOPMA
    111 months ago

    Me personally, I’ve been working on adding a bunch of features to my site. So much so that I even added a roadmap page to my own site (mostly for my own viewing haha). I just got the “hamburger menu” up and am now embarking on some theme toggling (dark/light mode). After that I can get into the real work I wanted to begin which was adding true IndieWeb functionality to the site. Check this out to see what I mean - https://indieweb.org/IndieMark.