Is there a way to block a domain on lemmy? I hate tankie fucks and don’t want to see them on my all feed.

  • oleorun
    306 months ago

    Go to https://(home_instance)/settings, click on Blocks tab, block all the things.

      • oleorun
        176 months ago

        One caveat is that this was introduced in 0.19.0 so if the instance is running a version prior to that you may be missing some options.

    • @YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrHOP
      46 months ago

      Ever since I first saw this comic I have dreamt about flying with this airline. Can you imagine how amazing it would be?

  • First Majestic Comet
    6 months ago

    I think Lemmy 0.19 has this feature, though if you’re having problems with spam users from those instances you’ll need to report them or have your administrator deal with them, as the domain blocking feature does not hide users.

    Also even if it did the act of hiding users isn’t great since people commiting violations need to be dealt with or otherwise impeded from doing so, and blocking doesn’t stop them whatsoever. At least on Reddit it locked them out from replies but here it’s the same as ignoring them. I know people didn’t like that but the majority of people who I’ve seen complain about being blocked on Reddit (especially by me) were:

    1. Transphobes, truscum included (I blocked a lot of them when the blocking changed to Two way)
    2. Trolls (especially the alt-right variety, but a decent amount of commies, tankies, and your average “enlightened centrists”)
    3. Scammers
    4. Pedophiles (AKA “MAPs”)
    • @YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrHOP
      36 months ago

      Yeah, I can do that easily on my app as well. I was just wanting to know how to block whole instances like hexbear. I don’t want to see anything on any of their communities. And you can do it in the web ui, although it isn’t all that intuitive.

    • @YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrHOP
      396 months ago

      People who call themselves leftists and anti imperialists. But in reality they shill for any dictator who opposes the US Hegemony. They do not give a shit about the people who suffer under the regimes they love. They inexplicably love dictators from Stalin to Putin, from Mao to Assad.

      The term originates from when the Soviet Union overthrew the people’s councils in Hungary with tanks early in the Cold War. Some people in the west supported this act because the Soviet Union did it, therefore it was good.

      Fuck authoritarian fucks.

    6 months ago

    You can use uBlock Origin by using this line:

    26 months ago

    I like seeing the tankies, i like making fun of the tankies, but most of all I like laughing at tankies replying to me and then me replying to them about how wrong they are.