Freedom is the ONLY thing that counts. I do acknowledge that Libertarians claim to want to pursue freedom.

However I believe that Libertarianism, will only replace tyrannical government with tyrannical rule by businesses.

The problem with governments no matter their political leaning is that most political ideologies lack any mechanism to deal with corruption and abuses of power. Libertarianism seeks to deal with this by removing government and instead hand the power to private companies.

Companies are usually small dictatorships or even tyrannies. Handing them the power over all of society will only benefit the owners of these companies. The rest of society will basically be reduced to the status of slaves as they have no say over the direction of the society they maintain through their 9to5s.

These companies already control governments around the world through favors, bribes or other means such as regulatory capture or even by influencing the media and thereby manipulating the public’s opinion through the advertisement revenue.

Our problems would only get worse, all the ills of today’s society, lack of freedom, lack of peace, lack of just basic human decency will be vastly aggravated if we hand the entirety of control to people like petur tihel and allen mosque.

Instead the way to go about this is MORE democracy not less of it. The solution is to give average citizens more influence over the fate of society rather than less. However for that to happen we all need to fight ignorance and promote the spread of education. It has to become cool again to read books (or .epub/.mobi’s lol)

The best way to resolve the the corruption issue is to not allow any individual to hold power, instead having a distributed system.

More of a community-driven government. Sort of like these workers owned companies. We should not delegate away our decision-making power. We should ourselves make the decisions.

Although this post is in English it does neither concern the ASU nor KU or any other English speaking countries, in particular. It’s a general post addressing a world wide phenomenon.

    9 months ago

    The problem is that no single person can educate themselves strongly enough on every potential topic. That’s why we’re supposed to have representatives to spend all day in a specific area of expertise. I could be jobless, and study this stuff all day every day, 24/7 and STILL not be educated enough to vote on a bill and claim to understand all of the nuances and interactions with society that would ripple out from that decision.

    And have you seen society? Do you REALLY want some of these idiots voting? They don’t even care to educate themselves - so it’s easy to influence them with advertisements and campaigns.

      9 months ago

      The simple answer to this is that bills have no reason being drafted in language or length that cannot be reasonably explained to a layman.

      In fact it is very well known that some legislation is drawn up with the intention of obfuscating its purpose, or some detail therein.

    • sighofannoyance@lemmy.worldOP
      9 months ago

      You raise some excellent points!

      Incompetence is definitely a problem. I would counter that by saying: Just because somebody is competent, doesn’t mean they have good intentions. I mean somebody could be competent enough to do the right thing, but have bad intentions. In that case the competence of the representative does the voter no good.

      You are right, like Churchill said 5 minutes of conversation with anybody are the best argument against democracy. And if you are horrified by some of the people who are voting, are you not at all worried of being ruled by such types exclusively?

        9 months ago

        I would not be worried about being “ruled” by those types, so long as we had protections in place that actually had teeth. We need a foundation where people doing shady shit are put in jail, especially if they reside in a place of power.

        The FBI actually did a bribery-sting operation on our congress long ago and like half of congress failed it. So what happened? They made it illegal to run those sting operations on congress. That immediately should be repealed and congress-critters should be held accountable for their actions.

        9 months ago

        Well the US got trump because of a degenerate electorate : sufficiently detached from the issues by distraction and/or ignorance that they are unable make an informed vote .

          9 months ago

          If you don’t actually understand why you got Trumped, making shit up to explain it is the wrong approach and just leads to another Trump or worse.