• Octorine@midwest.social
    1 year ago

    Which is weird, because far left communists are the absolute last people I would expect to support Russia or China.

    • Tedesche@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Not from what I’ve seen, at least with respect to China. Plenty of them seem to minimize the deplorable actions of the CCP while extolling it’s economic policies. They frequently hold China up as a shining example a successful communist state and seem more interested in the fact that it challenges the West and capitalism than they are concerned about it’s numerous human rights violations and total disregard for the sovereignty of its neighbors.

      • Octorine@midwest.social
        1 year ago

        That’s what I don’t understand. China isn’t a Communist state, not since the 90s. They gutted their social safety net, lowered taxes on the rich, privatized most of their economy and then sold all their industry to multinational corporations. They’re farther from communism than the average EU country now, and about on par with the US.

        Same with Russia. Russia is basically Galt’s Gulch now, which is why a segment of the GOP love it so much. It’s like he lemmygraders stopped paying attention around 1990 and think nothing has changed since then.

        • RagingHungryPanda@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          We’re getting a bit off topic from the original question, but I’ll chime in b/c why not.

          Technically, neither China nor the USSR were communist states. They were/are socialist states run the by the communist party. Neither were able to get rid of capitalism. China has taken an approach of “socialism with Chinese characteristics” for their “implementation”.

          China is still “socialist” in a sense because socialism is a pretty broad spectrum. They’ve kept capitalism along side socialism, but try to keep capitalism beholden to the state.

          People talk well about China b/c the economic policies have arguably worked quite well given where they’ve come from. That doesn’t mean you have to agree or support some of their …worse… policies. It’s a mixed bag. But so is the west.

          As of now, China is the closest large economy for an existing implementation of socialism. There are other states, but they aren’t as large or successful as China.

          But yeah, I do agree that the lemmygraders are a bit much. But that’s my thoughts on what I’ve seen since joining and why I think lemmy seems to trend where it does on that topic.

        • Tedesche@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I don’t pretend to know much about how China functions, but I know enough to know its certainly more capitalistic than Mao would have liked. But this is why I’m not a fan of communism—the most developed countries that embraced it all became horrible dictatorships that betray the most central tenets of communism. In other words, it doesn’t seem to work all that well, at least not on a grand scale. For it to work as intended, I think it requires a fairly small community—like a commune. I’m not a fan of capitalism either though; my preference is something in the middle, more like Democratic socialism.

          But the point is, some Far Lefties do seem to like China for whatever reason. Again, I think they mainly just like that they’re opposing capitalism and view the CCP through some very rose-colored classes.

      • c0c0c0@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I think the only people supposing the CCP these days are actual Chinese people. A distaste for China seems to be the sole unifying topic in the west.

    • Polydextrous@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      So many people, in this, the age of social media, when they subscribe to an -ism, feel the need to stake that ground and defend it from anyone who attacks it. They mistake that feeling for the need to defend anyone else that ever claimed the same -ism.

      It’s the same impulse that drives the American practice of “the republicans are defending this, so I, a democrat have to attack it.” (See: CNN under trump for a great example). This obviously works both ways, the more ridiculous ones usually go the other way from dem to repub. But followers of both parties do it. Same goes for everyone on the internet, almost, communists are definitely also very high on that list, suddenly denying all sorts of massacres. It’s nuts