Timothy Murray lost his father earlier this year and had been asking his principal for counseling when she called in the police
Obviously the cops and prosecutors are real shitheads here, but I think some blame goes to a piece of shit principal who woukd call the police on an 11 year old.
The DA and Principal are likely related, same last name. I’d bet this isn’t the only incident between these two, with the principal setting up the targets and the DA knocking them down.
She also apparently called CPS on a different mother for questioning her special education program.
None of them should have any kind of power over others. If we ever manage to fix this system despite the dipshits that are trying to break it further, whether system comes next should have a specific focus on preventing people like this from getting power or keeping it if they manage to hide themselves until after they’ve gained power.
And also the stupid law that allows charges against children. Our system of kids under 14 not being “strafmündig” (criminally responsible) is often criticized and has other issues sometimes but at least it prevents shit like this
Chief Wiggum : No Jury in the World is going to convict a baby…Maybe Texas
Is this a real line?
Yes, Season 7 episode 1
Data from Brownsville ISD seen by The Observer showed its officers made 3,102 student arrests between May 2021 and Nov. 2023. Nearly 60% of those were on felony charges and 76 of those kids were in elementary school.
What the everliving fuck is wrong with these people?
It’s Texas. They’ve NEVER been afraid of letting everyone know just how big of pieces of shit they are.
Everything’s bigger in Texas.
Its Texas lol. Our government prides itself on having no empathy or compassion whatsoever.
See the list of executed juvenile offenders before the federal government made it illegal:
Or the time the state was in contempt of court for years because they didn’t want to revise the excessively cruel CPS system.
That’s just absolutely fucking insane.
Despite being accused of ignoring Texas laws which require parental involvement before such interventions, Cameron County District Attorney Rene Garza told a hearing Wednesday that his office was gathering further evidence against Murray, rather than deciding to drop the charges.
If the law protects you, it will be ignored and the people who ignore it will face no consequences for their lawlessness. The law is for hurting you, and only laws that hurt you count.
i cant stop laughing at the idea of the grown ass adults asking a 10 year old boy if be wanted to hurt himself whilenin handcuffs so they put him in a turtle suit and solitary his ass
What kind of incompetent principal reacts to trouble making elementary schoolers by calling the cops on them?
This article:
Should shed some light on the subject. Particularly:
Garza comes from a Brownsville education legacy. Her mother, Rachel Medina Ayala, was one of Brownsville Independent School District’s first female superintendents. Garza’s two sisters are also principals in the district.
So, in answer to your question:
What kind of incompetent principal reacts to trouble making elementary schoolers by calling the cops on them?
A nepotism hire with a vindictive streak.
This ain’t incompetence, this is a power trip. She also called CPS on a mother for questioning her special education needs program
Family of educators inspires women to follow dreams
Excuse me but what are those dreams exactly 🌚
Also, the interior of the photo in the second article looks posh, I wonder if it’s a school interior.
Also, the interior of the photo in the second article looks posh, I wonder if it’s a school interior.
I would guess it is Rachel Ayala’s dining room.
“So, when my daughters were young, all three of them, I would take them with me to school,” she said. “One of them would answer the phone, the other one would help me deliver textbooks, and the other one would help me do something else. So, they grew up there. … They’re just fantastic.”
Is this kinda… weird? I remember liking to help my dad out once in a while with simple tasks since I had to stay with him at work, but I don’t know how I’d feel about doing it every day.
I don’t know if I would say “weird”. I think it is unusual. Shouldn’t they have been going to class? Why was the principal in charge of delivering textbooks? How often do textbooks need to be delivered anyway?
The same that calls CPS on parents
Other parents have also complained to the outlet about the principal. One mother said that, after a meeting with Garza about her 5-year-old in which her own mom questioned the school’s special education plan for the boy, Garza called Child Protective Services on her.
Conservative ones. Conservatives should never be in a position of authority over others, especially children!
Garbage state.
And the liberals in the cities think texas is better than just about every other red state.
False. I’m a Liberal in a blue city and I think this state blows.
Most of us do, in fact.
Because you know them all right?
Obviously, Florida is better.
Florida is better and it’s sad Texan liberals can’t realize that.
It just goes to show how deluded they are.
Well thats just an entire chain of people that are so completely divorced from reality, common sense, and compassion, that humanity would only benefit from them being skimmed out of the gene pool.
People think Texas is the lone star state. The reality is that Texas is the one Star review state.
I think you are being very generous with that one star, lol.
The devs don’t let you give no stars. A design flaw, imo.
I mean, we have a lot of climate/agricultural diversity across the state as well as three cool, very progressive, large cities within a few hours of each other… I’d say it’s at least 2.5 stars
Is this your first experience with Texas?
This is the same detention center that had an employee who embezzled 1.2 million dollars worth of fajitas over the course of 9 years. He only got caught because he took the day off to go to a doctor’s appointment and a delivery of 800lbs of skirt steak showed up that no one else was expecting.
What I’m saying here is the Darrell B. Hester Juvenile Detention Center isn’t known for the fastidious oversight of its employees.
I’m not even mad. I’m impressed, that’s amazing.
The Fajita Bandit has become a bit of a local folk hero, partly because of how ridiculous the story is, and partly because (in retrospect) fajitas were more reasonably priced in Cameron County than they had any right to be.
…. Wtf is some one gonna do with 800 pounds of fajita?
Sell it to local restaurants for less than the county paid for it.
Why are Texans so fragile
everything’s bigger in Texas!!1!
deleted by creator
Howdy Arabia is a police state hellscape. I cant wait for my parents to retire and move back up north so i never have to go back to that hellhole ever again.
Is there anything the Texas government ISN’T afraid of?
More guns. Apparently.
As long as the right people have them
This seems very strange, like it took place in a parallel universe or something.
America is a bit like a parallel universe
More like a whole parallel multiverse with how each state has its own set of quirks
Americans have truly lost their minds…
Only about half of us, but yeah.
I want to get off Mr Bones wild ride.
if you actually want to protect kids, this is the shit you form a posse to go protect right? for all the people worried about children this is where you would show up at the court and/or prison and demand their release?
Dude this is in Uvalde. They already let a couple of fat cops prevent them from saving their kids.