• jadero
    77 months ago

    Great. They can barely run a website and somebody wants them to do health care? Lunacy.

    • @TheHolyChecksum
      57 months ago

      They have been doing healthcare for a decade now. They are the biggest telemedecine provider in Canada. Telus Health =/= Telus Mobility.

      • jadero
        67 months ago

        I’m well aware. I wasn’t explicit enough in my complaint.

        Having been forced to use the abomination that Telus built to provide Saskatchewan residents with web access to personal health records, I stand by my claim that not being able to build (or manage the building of) a website is reason enough to exclude them from anything that can actually cause harm.

        This is one of the sites I had in mind when commenting elsewhere that management doesn’t seem to understand or care that modern software development requires teams made up of those who specialize in everything from security to user interface design, not a bunch of random “nerds” popped in and out following the quarterly staffing budget.

        I can see it now: random doctors with random qualifications assigned randomly to whatever task is at hand.

    • @Pyr_Pressure@lemmy.ca
      37 months ago

      I have had nothing but issues and hair pulling when It came to their email service. That company is absolutely useless.