Why the drumroll? Just say it
If people hate Starfield, they could optionally just not play it
I mean… That sounds like exactly what happened here.
You have to play it first to know if you like it or not.
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Well, it sounds like the guy started out by modding the game for a week before really playing it. Don’t think, you can still get a refund at that point…
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If that helps you discredit his opinion, I guess, he must be.
“I began a major effort writing code for a game I haven’t played” is not a stupid thing to say in your mind? I had no idea that could be controversial. I think you people just hate Starfield that much because it’s become popular to
I guess, why my interpretation is different, is because I’m a developer as well. And to us, modding can be more fun than actually playing a game.
So, if you assume the game will be good, you’ll probably just dive into the modding right away. Especially if you want to ride along the initial hype wave, so that your mods are immediately appreciated by lots of players.
If you do then start playing the game and notice that it doesn’t match your expectations, even if that were an entirely personal problem, that just robs you of your motivation to continue with the modding.
And I guess, that is really what the guy is pissed about. That he wasted time, because the marketing evoked wrong expectations in him.
Personally, I would consider myself wiser than that, because I’ve been burned by Bethesda’s marketing beforehand (Skyrim), but I’m certainly not wishing that kind of wisdom onto other people.
Someone is
Yeah don’t express disappointment in a game you’ve played for more than two hours!
They aren’t, player counts have plummeted
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I’m quite happy to see Bethesda fail after their choice to release fallout 76 and microtransaction and abuse psychological tricks to separate people from their money.
Crash and burn baby.
I burned out on it for now, but looking my hours played it’s only a bit less than Skyrim which has been out forever.
I put 100 hours in it when it released.
the first 20 were the polished experience where they clearly put all their focus.
the next 20 were me being overloaded with quests that take me all over the place and just trying Sisyphus that ball up the hill, leading to another 40 hours where I was just kind of annoyed and wanted to complete enough of the game so I didnt have to come back to it (like finding all the temples, what a disappointment they were) before the last 20 hours of me just completely giving up and getting shit together so I can beat the game and call it done.
and the only reason I stuck with it that long and didnt stop MUCH earlier than that, is because i was in a discord with several friends who also got the game, and we alternating between sharing are complaints, bitching, moaning, and so forth about the absolutely stupid game design, bugs, etc etc, and just stubbornly trying to stick with it and finish it due to some weird unspoken peer pressure silliness.
Which was really funny in the end, cause we all agreed we only kept playing cause everyone else was, and everyone wanted to stop playing the game much earlier and not even bother beating it.
The 100 hours I spent in Starfield felt longer, and were more tedius and forced, than the thousand hours I’ve spent in skyrim… and thats including times of dealing with ridiculous instability due to crazy modding and shit.
I have zero interest of ever installing it and replaying it short of some kind of amazing mod developments, and I don’t know if the core game and framework is good enough to support the kind of modding craziness we’ve seen in F4/Skyrim/NV/Oblivion.
Wow, you really have a high tolerance for bullshit - impressive!
Like I said, Would have never played that much if we werent in a weird peer pressure competition with eachother for who could suffer most.
Quintessential dumb guy shit, lol
Let me use Fallout 4 as an example.
I don’t actually like fallout 4. I dont think its a fallout game. It feels, to me, like a half finished shooter game that they got from some studio buyout, Threw supermuttants and radiation in it, and called it fallout 4. Its just so completely far removed from anything fallout, with the horrible new SPECIAL system and the frankly shitty legendary weapon system (that only exists, along with the radiant shit, to artificially lengthen the time played by doing the same shit over and over again, and with legendaries, to do it all to farm one thats not complete and total shit.) I also think the story is dumb, and basically a rehash of Fallout 3 with parent looking for child, instead of child looking for parent.
But I still play the shit out of it, because at its core there is fun to be had. Its fun to explore, its fun to fight, its fun to see the emergent interactions. Its even fun to build settlements (though mods make that infinitely better than vanilla), Mods don’t create the fun in the game, mods enhance the fun in the game.
But for Starfield? There really is no fun in that game. Its bland, its stiff, its disjointed, and some things (like the not-magic) feel like they were thrown in last minute and not playtested because the only power I ever found useful to have hotkeyed was the one that gives you full stamina for the duration of the bubble, because it lets you get around the low weight limitations and constantly run and loot, and last of all… It feels like you are trapped in a box. You are not in a vast open world, full of tiny boxes. You are just in a tiny box, desperately trying to cut yourway out into another tiny, unfortunately identical box… and I just don’t think theres enough core fun there, for mods to fertilize into something better. Starfield, at its core, feels like a playstation 1 game, with the loading screens and how much the world is cut into tiny chunks seperated by loading screens. its game deisgn from 25+ years ago, and a sad reversal from everything they did before it.
Much like B horror films, though, there are people that can and do have great fun watching/playing objectively bad games. and more power to them, hope they have all the fun. Just don’t tell everyone else its the greatest thing god ever gifted mankind. Enjoy it for what it is, but don’t try to make it what it isnt.
but but but we have to yell our opinions of how bad it is! look at me guys! i dont like game!!! im special!!!
@Blamemeta Seems a bit premature for any real ambitious modding, since the full tool set isn’t even released yet.
They’ve already backward engineered the game. It’s not like it’s a brand new game engine.
@WarmSoda Sorry, but they have not backward engineered the creation kit that Bethesda is supposed to release next year.
Come back when you know what you’re talking about
@WarmSoda I will take the word of modders that are doing minor mods while waiting for the Creation Kit (and posting what they intend to do once they have it) over the comments of some random person on Mastadon. Perhaps you should return when you know what you are talking about.
The Creation Kit is a highly useful tool set for doing content mods like quests and locations. It makes it very easy to get into modding and work on a wide but shallow array of things, which is why the majority of modders wait for it (because most mods are going to have shallow bits and pieces even if they’re very deep).
However, a mod as major and engine-tearing as Skyrim Together is going to have to work outside the bounds of the Creation Kit, and the Creation Kit is going to have a very minor impact if any on it, because it doesn’t have those shallow bits and bobs. It isn’t adding content, quests, locations, or anything like that. Skyrim Together is not modifying Skyrim, it’s modifying the framework in which Skyrim exists (and Creation Kit is used to mod inside the world, largely).
It’s perfectly reasonable to be working on a multiplayer mod this early. Heck, it’s not impossible to be working on moving over many large mods because it’s largely the same engine (let’s be real, the 2 means nothing). It would probably be easier with the Creation Kit in some ways, but it’s not a necessity for the more technically-advanced mods because those mods often work around the Creation Kit anyway.
@The_Vampire Yes, obviously some mods bypass pretty much anything the creation kit will offer. I expect SFSE and related mods all fall in that category.
That has little to do with the point I was replying to though.
Oh dear. I was planning on never installing Starfield Together. Now I’ll have to find some other multiplayer mod to completely ignore.
A game that is ‘fucking trash’ and yet I’m still interested after 250 hours of gameplay.
People love to exaggerate their anger.
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“I enjoy low quality content, but I dont want to recognize that, so it must be the entire rest of the world thats wrong for their valid criticism!”
Go have your fun. No ones telling you to feel bad for enjoying it. Just dont be such an ass because people say the truth you don’t want to acknowledge.
I mean, the ‘hate’ has generally been described as ‘mediocre’, which even this particular modder said to explain his thoughts in a Reddit thread.
It’s good you enjoy it, but people can have different opinions. I agree with the opinion it’s mediocre, it feels vastly worse than Skyrim or Fallout 4 to me. I don’t think it’s impossible or even hard to fix into a good game, but I’m not awarding points for ‘could easily be better’.
The Internet does this thing where it makes some things popular to hate. Starfield is definitely one of those things.
What a weird combination of white-knighting and persecution fetish.