PlayStation is erasing 1,318 seasons of Discovery shows from customer libraries | The change comes as Warner Bros. tries to add subscribers to Max, Discovery+ apps.::The change comes as Warner Bros. tries to add subscribers to Max, Discovery+ apps.
So they’re taking shows away from people who have already purchased them and moving the shows to other services in order to try to make potential customers subscribe to more services?
Fuck those guys, especially for ripping off people who already paid for the content.
Here we go again. Instead of being forced to subscribe to shitty bundles of cable channels in order to get the channel you do want, we’re being forced to subscribe to multiple shitty services to get the shows we want.
This industry is a one-trick pony. Literally giving the worst service they can to force people to subscribe to more services.
Oh no, here I go pirating again!
Krombopulos Michael, the early years.
Games, movies, TV shows, doesn’t matter. I just love pirating!
That’s it. I am heading to the goodwill and picking up some media. And I gotta find our old discs too.
No need, search for movie web and use it on a vpn for all the media you want for free
I haven’t paid for a movie, show, or song since… like 2005.
Games get my money, but I usually wait a couple years to make sure they’re good lawl
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It’s probably not about getting the legitimate version rather about supporting the creators. Don’t scrounge a penny for work that you love. Eddit: better support a creator throu a donation instead of buying the song on Itunes or something.
Pay for a legitimate copy and also download a DRM-free one. That way you support the creator but don’t have to worry about it being stolen from you.
Welp time to start mass-buying dvd box sets and ripping the files, screw not owning shit you paid for
Don’t even waste your time and just go directly to the high seas. You’ll get all the same quality content several orders of magnitude faster.
Personally I don’t mind paying for content I legit get to keep, so long as the cost is reasonable. Yeah, overpriced old movies or stuff you can’t find, sure. Hoist the flag, my friend.
I have every season of Stargate SG-1 on DVD, and unfortunately one disc already has an unplayable scene due to scratches, but for the most part it’s in-tact.
No streaming service has the HD wide-screen versions available for streaming, and their subtitles are very… Summarizing. In sections.
I have a laptop with a USB connected dvd player, and I’ve been slowly converting the discs to my digital library, but holy shit is this a slow process.
I literally could have been done with every season and special feature of all three shows and the movies in the time it took me to rip the first season alone.
Buuuuut I don’t currently have a Very Pontoony Nautical vessel soooooo… I can’t go sailing right now.
Are you ripping and encoding them with Handbrake? You can at least speed it up a bit by just ripping them with MakeMKV and then leaving them in the full quality format to skip the long encode. This will take up more HDD space but save a ton of time comparably.
Kind of.
You don’t have yearly contracts and it’s a lot easier to start and stop a particular service at any time.
It’s weird to see this take when I remember streaming started out that this was what was heralded. You could pick and choose what streaming services you wanted and you could change them easily. You didn’t have to buy the sport package or pay the built in royalties of sports teams if you didn’t watch sports.
For now. However, I’m going to pick at something you mentioned about switching when you want - sure, but most services offer a discount for a year’s subscription. I don’t think it’s an insignificant amount of people that might buy in on that. Switching becomes irrelevant when the service already has your money.
Also, services are separating popular shows, unbundling for lack of a better word, to other platforms to force people to subscribe to more services. Effectively that’s making you pay for shows you don’t want (like your sports reference) to get the shows you do.
ripping off people who already paid for the content.
They didn’t pay for the shows. They paid for access to the shows. That’s all anyone gets these days.
Ok, a technicality that still leaves the access removed. Regardless of whether they paid for it or the access to it.
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Woah… What a deep and original thought… Oh wow…
Fuck Warner Bros and Sony PlayStation for this.
But it’s not just them, it’s an entire industry. If you pay for media and you don’t get it physically in full, or the ability to download it in a DRM-free portable format, remember that you don’t own it. Only do it in the knowledge that some day you will not have it anymore.
There are other options available for you. BluRays, piracy.
People were so happy MultiVersus happened, failing to realize the sheer acquisitions and monopolistic behaviour it takes to own so many IPs. How, when weaponised, it commands so many big names.
And now it’s not working for people, because they’re pulling the shows from PS.
If buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t stealing.
Mate, we’ve got it; we understand your position. You don’t need to keep posting it.
Lol I posted the same thing and have now seen it 5 times in this thread. Yo-Ho!
Fuck this shit.
If buying isn’t owning. Piracy isn’t stealing.
This is so anti consumer, I’m surprised the EU hasn’t stepped in to stop it yet
I’d be a lot less bothered if the UI for services like Sony didn’t use words like “buy” to describe what customers are doing when they pay for content. It would be a lot more honest to describe it as a rental for an indefinite time period. But of course then very few people would choose that option.
I agree, it feels like this is a place where the law or regulation needs to come in and enforce something like - rent vs lease vs buy.
The average consumer thinks “buy” means forever, and that’s just not the case in these scenarios. It really is more like leasing it.
Looking at you Steam
I have 15 years of rented video games
Also that option is always like 4 times more expensive for no real reason
If we break into people’s homes and destroy their property, maybe they’ll have to give us money to replace what was lost?
Why has no one come up with this business strategy before.
Planned obsolescence is the preferred method (and doesn’t require breaking and entering).
Pay us protection or we’ll smash your business.
Wait a minute, I’ve heard this before.
Seems like piracy is going to become fashionable again
Props to Sony and all related entities for endorsing it!
Loving it myself. Delving into the world of Plex and sailing the high seas. Just trying to figure out the best way to keep it organized and also standardizing subtitles for various video files.
Do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate.
If buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t stealing.
Maybe I am underestimating the amount of people buying seasons of TV shows on PlayStation, but this seems like a lot of PR pain for very little potential upside.
I think WB is counting on people blaming Sony even though it seems like WB is the one who decided not to play nice.
It says 1,318 seasons, so that’s like 100 people buying thirteen seasons of Shark Pilots or Junkstore Wars or whatever. So, you’re definitely right it’s bad PR over almost nothing, but I think Discovery should be taking the heat, not Sony. They made the call to cancel those licenses.
Um, what? You think removing 1,318 seasons of shows only affects 100 users? They’ve been selling these since the PS3 era and it’s hundreds of millions of devices.
…did you possibly think it meant 1,318 total purchases? 😂
It says it right there in the title. They sold seasons, that is how many they sold. Do you think Discovery has 1,318 total shows?
1,318 seasons means 1,318 seasons, not 1,318 total sales. Click on the notice in the article for a list of all the seasons of different shows if you still don’t understand.
Each season could have been bought by 100 people, or by 1,000 people. Seasons of popular shows like Mythbusters might have been bought by millions of people. We have no idea how many customers are affected since it doesn’t list that information.
Bro your reading comprehension is something else.
If buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t stealing.
Oh, so theft?
If this isn’t theft, then the inverse isn’t either. Raise your flags, it’s time once again to sail the high seas
If paying for something dosent mean I own it, then piracy isn’t stealing!
It never was.
You’re copying, not stealing. When you steal something, it is gone from the person you took it from. When you copy something, both of you have it.
“Piracy” being stealing is exactly the same as “stealing” someone’s ideas. It’s a lame excuse so people richer than us can be even richer.
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Technically, when you buy a show or a movie you’re buying a license to watch it. That license can be revoked at any time. This is true for physical and digital copies, it’s just impossible for companies to revoke the license when you have a physical copy.
Not the same in the EU as far as I know. Digital goods have to uphold a certain standard.
Unfortunately we don’t all live in civilized places like the EU. Some of us live in “shithole countries,” like the United States.
Or the United kingdom. Which had the chance at being civilised, but decided to throw it all away.
“Countries” is a debatable term.
This might only affect US customers as these studios typically create separate licensing deals in each country. An example is when the new Star Trek shows began airing, everywhere in the world got to watch it on Netflix while US customers had to subscribe to CBS All Access (now Paramount+).
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This is Warner Bros being the bad guys, but also Sony for not refunding people. Either way it doesn’t matter consumers lose out, all the more reason to pirate.
I see where you are coming from. The original version of streaming Netflix was the answer to piracy. Good price and had all the content one wanted. Was also easy to use. The streaming wars proved competition isn’t always the answer (I think this is the first time I’ve ever said that). Without that version of Netflix, the answer to piracy is gone…
Netflix was in competition with piracy. They competed mostly on two parameters: price and convenience, but catalog is also a secondary or tertiary parameter.
Piracy is kinda free unless you pay for newsgroups, seedbox or straight up membership. It’s also inconvenient for most people. The catalog is basically unlimited if you know where to look.
Paid streaming or digital purchases wins on convenience, but at a greater price and with a limited catalog.
With older content constantly being bounced around different services, aggressive anti-shsring measures and continually rising prices, paid streaming is becoming less and less attractive, as we’re slowly sliding back to the times of cable TV, albeit video on-demand this time around.
Competition is the answer, though. The problem is companies ended up competing the wrong way. If I could watch “The Office” on any streaming platform, suddenly they’re all in competition to create a better platform (quicker loads, different pricing models, integration with different devices, etc). By limiting shows to only certain platforms, sure, you’re creating an easy way to differentiate between platforms, but you’re letting the competition stagnate as you just create cable TV with extra steps: minimal choice, minimal ease of use, minimal cost upside.
Why should we care if corporations find the ‘answer to piracy’?
What’s better for them is worse for us. Are you invested with them? If not, then you would be a textbook useful idiot to lower your standards so they can have even more.
We were discussing on how Netflix was lowering piracy at one point.
Keeping the money and yanking back the content it was used to purchase will surely entice those people to sign up for that Max/Discovery+ subscription.
Only an out of touch corporate stooge would see a logical through line there.
surely entice those people to sign up for that Max/Discovery+ subscription.
That’s the sad part. It will. These people already have more money than sense, or else they wouldn’t be subscribing to streaming services at all.
Maybe more people would subscribe to discovery if the content wasn’t so fucking abysmal. There’s like 2 good shows on there, Mythbusters and how it’s made
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate’s Life for Me 🏴☠️
We download torrents, we use VPNs
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!
Copyright law can kiss our rear ends
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!
You will own nothing and you will love it.
They’re gonna start feeding us bugs next!