since im the most hyperfixated i’ve ever been, from right to left: char, mikazuki, loran

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]@hexbear.netM
    10 months ago

    I’m on the far end with Bill from King of The Hill. As everybody knows, I love King of the Hill, I’ve watched it a million times and fall asleep to it every night. I firmly believe that Bill is an egg, or was at least written a few eggs. Normally wouldn’t declare a person an egg, but Bill is a fictional character so 🤷‍♀️ Bill has too many real emotional issues with gender in the show, and many aren’t immediately played for laughs.

    His happiest moments are when he’s able to be comfortably “queer”, whether it was “pretending” to be queer to fit in with the other hairdressers at Hottyz, when he was put into dresses as a punishment as a kid and says how pretty the dresses were, or living with hippies at a national park. While part of this is fulfilled by Bill’s higher need for community, it’s because he needs a more queer community for him to truly feel comfortable as himself. Bill’s character is driven by gender dysphoria that he’s been alienated from over decades of living in a conservative south, with the alienation of the American conservatism being a huge theme among the other characters in the show.

    Or the other times he’s shown to be happy is when he’s able to be an identityless do machine, giving up everything to the Harmonahollics, or being roped into an MLM.

    So let’s go down the checklist. Bill is an extremely depressed man who is completely unable to take care of his own appearance, is super functional when he can separate from his own identity, references enjoying crossdressing as a kid even when it was used as a punishment, orbits queer groups he can’t fully be a part of because he doesn’t understand how he fits into it as a “man” whose attracted to women. That’s not even going into Lenore, whose full storyline with Bill is honestly just too depressing from the trans angle for me to want to go into.

  • python [undecided, they/them]
    10 months ago

    It’s not a specific character, but the Golden Compass series establishes that a person’s dæmon only has the same gender as their person in very rare cases.

    I like the idea that they never share their person’s gender, actually. Just, by definition. Imagine that world.

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    10 months ago

    There’s a girl from Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater, Makoto, who I have always headcanoned as being Glasses-kun from Non Non Biyori, post-transition. This started out as just a little joke between me and my mom about how these two characters looked kind of like gender-swapped versions of each other, but I kind of took a liking to the idea of them actually being the same person — at the very least because trans characters pog, and connecting two similar fictional works I like to each other is also pog. Keep in mind that I haven’t finished the NNB manga, never read the Breakwater manga, but have finished either anime (though I might not remember every detail from either).

    As unlikely as my little “Makoto is Glasses-kun” headcanon is, it’s still fun. It’s still an exercise in imagination, to imagine how Non Non Biyori’s character who never spoke or smiled or really had any presence at all might’ve had some issues she was secretly working through in the background; and how the growing independence of high school life, where she was commuting to the city by herself and making friends outside her small town, might’ve facilitated her questioning and experimenting. How after her coming out to mother Yukiko went poorly, that she might’ve actually been disowned, and had to move in with some more progressive relatives, whose surname she took on for a “clean break” from the old life.

    I guess another way to put it is that the most unlikely trans headcanons are also the most fun fanfiction prompts!

  • Kuori [she/her]
    10 months ago

    i started watching turn a based on one of your effortposts and even like 6-7 episodes in the trans energy loran gives off is enough to ignite a small star

    i feel like this is as close as 1999 could get to an explicitly genderfluid/enby character and (having spoiled myself slightly) i can’t wait for what’s coming next

    • Cromalin [she/her]@hexbear.netOPM
      10 months ago

      episode 7 made my jaw drop


      it would have been so easy to make it shitty but instead everyone is just very chill and in the process loran becomes transgender. it’s a really good handling of gender that’s so surprising coming from yoshiyuki tomino. i personally read them as transfem but not super committal about it but it’s so clear they’re meant to be gnc given how chill they are with the feminization at the ball

      • Kuori [she/her]
        10 months ago

        okay so i wrote that just after episode 6 and i watched 7 last night


        it’s honestly remarkable how normally it was treated. not even “for 1999”, i’d be impressed to see an episode like this in 2023 ffs. after ep 7 i extremely see what you mean about reading her as a transfem, the entire episode plays out like a fairytale transfem coming out story. i loved it so much tbh. and yeah her total comfort all the way through was incredible to see. no hesitancy during her lady lessons, no 90s-era weirdness over waltzing with a man, not even a twinge of “this is unusual” to be found. it genuinely feels like it was written for us to identify with, which is so fucking wild and cool as hell:::

        thanks for talking up the show btw, i’m really enjoying it. i’ve only watched a little witch from mercury and pieces of the older ones back when i was a kid so this has been a great re-intro to gundam

        • Cromalin [she/her]@hexbear.netOPM
          10 months ago

          i’m glad you’re enjoying it! this is easily my favorite gundam, but there are some others that are really good. the aesthetics and plot and characters and everything going on in turn a are so perfectly matched to appeal to me. you haven’t even gotten to some of my favorite bits yet!


          i know!!! i was watching this with my gf and we were going insane. there’s not a single comment or joke or even moment where she’s uncomfortable. and (minor spoiler) it’s not the last time this comes up and it’s treated just as well later. like, there’s no cisgender explanation for this. if i’d seen this on tv when i was a kid it would have changed my life. though there’s no way a toonami dub would be nearly as sensitive, so maybe it’s for the best it wasn’t

          also it made guin’s character click for me: in addition to being a capitalist in the truest sense of the word, he’s a chaser

          • Kuori [she/her]
            10 months ago

            i can see why! it’s early yet but i am finding myself continually impressed with it. i just cannot stress enough how not dated it feels. it sucks that it’s so notable but even the number of prominent brown people and women who actually get to do stuff is very not of its time. it almost feels like it fell out of a portal to a better world tbh.


            certain parts feel so authentic to the trans experience that i genuinely want to know how it happened. the bit where laura has eye shadow applied for the first time and she and khiel bust out laughing had such massive “trans girl figuring out what she does/does not like with the help of her cis friend” energy. there are just so many bits that dovetail so well with actual experiences i’ve either had or heard about from other trans folk, it’s great.

            i’m def glad to hear there’s more to come! and lmao the only cis explanation i see is “uhhhh crossdressing for…reasons??” but like…c’mon. anime crossdressing is literally never handled or presented this way. also yeah i feel you. i wish this had aired in the west when i was a kid but i can practically taste the homophobic/crossdresser jokes the dub would have undoubtedly crammed in. as you say, perhaps it’s for the best that never happened.

            re: guin, i didn’t make the connection until just now (i’ve lived a blessedly chaser-free existence) but good god does it track now that you mention it.

            anyway suffice it to say i’ll be taking your recommendations any time i see them cat-trans

            • Cromalin [she/her]@hexbear.netOPM
              10 months ago

              YEAH that bit is so good. it really feels like they’re both figuring it out at they go in a really good way, and it makes me love them so much. they have a good dynamic. that whole montage of them figuring out how to best make her appropriate for the dance rules.

              there’s a crossdressing plotline in a prior gundam series by yoshiyuki tomino (who created gundam and came back after a bunch of non-tomino series to direct turn a) that sucks major shit! they have to crossdress to infiltrate the harem of some skeevy dude who runs a colony and it doesn’t have all the jokes you might expect from that but that’s only because they didn’t have time to fit them all into one episode. so it’s not like tomino wasn’t capable of writing a really bad dumb anime crossdressing episode

              on the other hand he also did zeta gundam which has a transmasc main character. i mean, idk that tomino knew that. but his name is kamille, and when a cop says “kamille? isn’t that a girl’s name?” kamille shouts “kamille is a man’s name. and i’m a man!” and punches the cop. also in the novel the school bullies call him and his girlfriend lesbians (not the word they used). there’s no cisgender explanation for this, but idk what tomino thinks there. i don’t really care what he thinks though

              imagine if there had been a dub that handled it well though. the number of people who cite that as a turning point in their lives would be so high. i wonder if there’s anyone talking about that stuff in japan, like how i know some people (including me) talk about ranmao over here. and guin’s vibes become so much more rancid once you go 'oh that’s a chaser, it’s impressive

              also (since i watched a bit of episode 7 again) i love keith, all the side characters in this are so good! episode 8 was where i went “oh, i think this might be my favorite gundam.” if you continue to have thoughts i would love to hear them! feel free to just dm me if you want, i’m always happy to talk about turn a. though obviously don’t feel obligated

              • Kuori [she/her]
                10 months ago

                i really adored that scene in and of itself but i also really liked that she notably isn’t wearing the eye shadow during the party. it didn’t make her feel good so she didn’t wear it, and she’s no less feminine for it. and even the bit with the corset! it resonated immediately with me as a depiction of the frankly painful shit women sometimes have to do to appear feminine. i just, ugh. cannot lavish enough praise on that entire sequence. i’m not shocked that it’s a standout exception in tomino’s works but it does make it more remarkable that it happened like this. i’m honestly so curious as to how it came about (even though i agree with your “death of the author” standpoint here for obvious reasons).

                we can dream of a world where this got a faithful, cowboy bebop-level dub. kitty-cri i honestly think you’re spot on that it would have cracked hella eggs, ESPECIALLY given the utter lack of comedic tone that almost all genderbending anime included as a standard (though ofc stuff like ranma still cracked more eggs than an omelet factory). i’m also curious as to whether or not it made a splash on early japanese fora/message boards or something, but trying to find out is well beyond my abilities sadly.

                and yeah guin at first came off in a totally different way than he does post-realization. when he just abruptly decided to start calling her laura i thought his explanation was genuinely kind of amusing (“i just think it’s more suitable!”) but in retrospect his need to force aspects of her identity to suit him feel vile. i’m looking forward to episode 8 now, i have been p busy and i’ve got a few hectic days coming up but i can’t wait for when i have some time to sit down with it again. :3 also yes keith is a precious lil bread boy, it’s kind of adorable that he’s just like “hmmm war is brewing? i think i’m gonna bake bread. people gotta eat!” i also liked that fran was the only person to recognize laura. even harry who was like four feet away from her just an episode or two ago was totally oblivious. that one little moment really helped expand on why she chose journalism, she’s obviously got a highly discerning eye.

                i’ll definitely DM you as i get further into it! i can’t promise anything insightful or profound but i have enjoyed enthusing about this with you. plus it’s just cool to see people talk about something they have a clear passion for/knowledge of.