crab-party crab-party crab-party crab-party crab-party crab-party crab-party

Edit: My wife says that I seem happier than the day that we got married. She’s not wrong.

Edit2: I realised that I spelled Pissingers name wrong in the title. Pity.

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]@hexbear.netM
      10 months ago

      it’s not a documentary, it’s a dipshit liberal movie that almost explicitly advocates for eugenics and the genocide of poor people for being stupid, as if getting rid of the poors and leaving only the “intelligent” people behind would make the world a better place. completely lacks any form of class analysis

      throughout my life, the people who seriously think something like “y’know, the real problem with this country/world is that everybody/everything is just so stupid! people are dumb, panicky animals. they don’t know what’s good for them and they keep doing stupid shit for whatever reason!” are, ironically, the most idiotic people I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting or talking to.

      fossil fuel companies aren’t polluting the atmosphere and destroying biodiversity because they’re “dumb”, they’re acting according to their material interests.

      people don’t vote for reactionaries because they’re incapable of understanding basic economics, they do it because of co-ordinated media campaigns that exploit mental vulnerabilities that literally every single one of us on this website also possess (none of us are immune to propaganda), are tired of the status quo neoliberal economics but cannot find any other way of expressing their displeasure than in a reactionary way, and/or materially benefit from the imperialism and exploitation that those reactionaries reinforce.

      (note that this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight reactionaries, we absolutely 100% should, but they weren’t born like that and it’s not “human nature” either.)

      leaders like Bush don’t invade foreign countries because they can’t understand that they’re doing something “dumb” and hurtful, they’re doing it to benefit their military industries, exploit the invaded countries’ people and resources, loot and pillage them, and spread chaos to prevent unified oppositions from being able to take on US interests

      • GhostSpider [she/her]
        10 months ago

        it’s a dipshit liberal movie that almost explicitly advocates for eugenics and the genocide of poor people for being stupid

        I won’t deny that this part of the movie, even though it’s done for comedy, is yikes.

        throughout my life, the people who seriously think something like “y’know, the real problem with this country/world is that everybody/everything is just so stupid! people are dumb, panicky animals. they don’t know what’s good for them and they keep doing stupid shit for whatever reason!” are, ironically, the most idiotic people I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting or talking to.

        Ok, for this part, I will say that right wingers do want people to stay dumb, so they can keep office. That’s why they always attack the educational system. That’s why education is worse in red states in America. They keep electing those right wing conservative dipshits, and on a global scale, that kind of people manage to get people like Trump, Bolsonaro and now Milei elected, which is mainly what I was referring to when I called the movie a “documentary”.

        But it is an incredibly idiotic take on itself to say “the problem is people are dumb”. The problem is the people on office gatekeeping education for their benefit. It obviously has nothing to do with genes too, I should mention.

        fossil fuel companies are polluting the atmosphere and destroying biodiversity because they’re “dumb”, they’re acting according to their material interests.

        I mean, that’s a different problem, but you’re not wrong there.

        people don’t vote for reactionaries because they’re incapable of understanding basic economics, they do it because of co-ordinated media campaigns that exploit mental vulnerabilities that literally every single one of us on this website also possess (none of us are immune to propaganda), are tired of the status quo neoliberal economics but cannot find any other way of expressing their displeasure than in a reactionary way, and/or materially benefit from the imperialism and exploitation that those reactionaries reinforce.

        Right… So what we need is better education.

        leaders like Bush don’t invade foreign countries because they can’t understand that they’re doing something “dumb” and hurtful, they’re doing it to benefit their military industries, exploit the invaded countries’ people and resources, loot and pillage them, and spread chaos to prevent unified oppositions from being able to take on US interests

        This part of the reply is about the elite, the ones that want to keep people dumb for their benefit.

        My whole take can be summed up to: it was an enormous L for the movie to present intelligence as a genetics thing, but there is a big problem in the world, which is the elite actively doing their best to dismantle education of the masses, so they can be more easily exploited. Been that way since the dark ages with the church.