hello in case of a stealing what people can do after it was locked ? i’m seeing everywhere people saying they can unlock icloud bla-bla-bla surely a lot of scams but is it really 100% ? I also see people mentioning long time like 9-15 days, probably because they’re trying to phish the owner i’ve also seen techniques where they send fake bills to apple but i don’t think apple can fall in is kind of traps the last thing I see is people “who knows someone who can replace the chip” but since the ID is in the soc and soc/motherboard is worth the price of the phone … and even if they can bypass it it will be network locks so why steal iphones in 2023 ?
My gf just got her phone stolen and listed my number when she put it into lost mode. I got a scam text pretending to be Apple saying her iPhone had been found and directing to a link. The link then asked for the passcode of the phone and then redirected to a fake Apple ID sign-in page.
I’m sure enough people fall for this to still make it worth it.