###Welcome members of the NFCN

  • This thread aims to create a moment for you to ask questions about the division and its teams, answer said questions, or have a discussion about football in general.

  • All NFCN subreddits have been invited.

  • Please make sure to choose a flair so we know which team you’re a fan of.

  • Please keep it civil.

  • In case your interested, here are the previous NFCN Discussions we’ve hosted: #1, #2, #3

  • Old_Control4299@alien.topB
    8 months ago

    Bears fan - I don’t want to comment on Fields vs. rookie qb as everyone is doing that. However, everyone sleeps on the Bears OL. Braxton Jones and Darnell Wright are playing great football. People mostly sleep on Braxton Jones, but he’s quietly been the best OT from the 2022 draft class and is a very valuable asset for the team as he’s still on a rookie deal. Drafting an OT with the current roster in the top 10 seems like a waste of the capital when there are more glaring holes on the roster, specifically on the DL. If MHJ is available with the Chicago Pick (not the Panther’s pick which looks like a top 3 pick rn), I want him on the team. Additionally, if the Bears don’t solve the center position in the draft or free agency, it’ll be a slight on the team. We currently have the 33rd-36th ranked center in the nfl… You could probably get hammered playing a drinking game each time there’s a bad snap or the center gets put on his butt in a Bears’ game.