So I was thinking, as I was going through the ringtones they added to iOS 17, I noticed just how amazing the Taptic Engine is, I already knew this, but it just blew me away how it changed intensity in milliseconds to match lighter notes or louder notes in the tune it played. Some felt like tiny taps while louder notes gave a harder vibration.

What if Apple made it so that certain movie content or tv show content could take advantage of the Taptic Engine, so that in various parts throughout the movie, the Taptic Engine kicks in for certain effects in the movie or show, say an explosion happens it could give a hard vibration that slowly fades away, things of that nature. I think it would add another way to make content streaming that much more immersive on iPhones! Kinda like how video games take advantage of vibration motors in controllers for certain effects. Except it would be far better than any controller motor since the Taptic Engine is so precise. I think this would be an amazing addition to iOS and an exclusive feature! As someone who watches all their Shows and Movies on just my iPhone, I’d love that! 4k Dolby Vision HDR movie with Taptic Engine Input!