Hi everyone,

I live in a house where there used to be an alarm system but the previous owner disconnected it, I guess, so it worked for a while for me with the door/window sensors although I never paid for an alarm system or subscription–I could hear the beep and feel “safe.” But, they don’t work anymore–after a big storm and power outage, the alarm screen (IQ panel) went off and now it never comes back (I tried to push buttons to reset, unplug it a million times… Nothing. It starts and then it goes dark. See pics attached.)

My question is not so much about the screen/alarm going dead, but about how to “reactivate”/“recycle” the door and window sensors even if the screen/alarm no longer works. Can I use the door sensors already installed throughout the house if I connect them to another device/something else? And if so, what would that “something else” be?

Can I reuse them and not have to pay for a subscription or buy an alarm service?

Would I have to buy a “hub” (is that what is called? A device that activates and connects all of the sensors?)? Is it hard to install? Do I have to install it in a specific place?

Any additional tips budget-wise?

I’m totally lost because all of this is new to me. Any help would be appreciated. And if you could add detailed info as if you were explaining it to a 5-year-old, that would be great. I really want to feel more comfortable and safe, for my little one and for me. If this is not the group where I am supposed to ask, can you please redirect me to another Reddit group?

Thank you in advance!




  • kichckcc@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Can I reuse them and not have to pay for a subscription or buy an alarm service?

    Reusing these sensors is not very profitable… It looks wireless in the photo, right? You would need to determine what type of transmission there is: RF433 or something else. Then you would have to recognize the codes it generates and build a whole background for it.

    More or less… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrto7hc4rtg

    In 2023, it simply makes no sense, both financially and time-wise. There are ready-made solutions available and they don’t cost a fortune.

    The sensors themselves are the cheapest element of the alarm puzzle… so using the old ones doesn’t make much sense because it only generates a lot of unnecessary problems.

    Replacing such a sensor is also not a task that you will not be able to do on your own.