What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is link aggregator software that exists in the fediverse, meaning it connects with other “ActivityPub” software like Mastodon and other Lemmy instances. Basically, you can follow and interact with communities here on feddit.uk, on any other Lemmy instance, or even from your Mastodon account!

What is Feddit.uk

Feddit UK is a UK specific instance of Lemmy, ideal for people from the UK or are just interested in following the UK community.

This instance is hosted by me Tom, an experienced software dev based in London. I decided to host Feddit UK as I saw many instances already made for other countries and none for the UK and saw the need for a UK community on the Fediverse. To help the upkeep cost of this instance, please consider donating by buying me a coffee!


Why Feddit

Feddit comes from the combination of the words Fediverse and Reddit. Lemmy is a new alternative to Reddit based on the Fediverse!

What are the rules here?

  • No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or xenophobia
  • No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies
  • No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users
  • Do not share intentionally false or misleading information
  • Do not spam or abuse network features.
  • QuirkyFuta@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    Hello, thanks for hosting. I’m not from reddit, but given the recent events I thought it’s a good time to join and hopefully help snowball a federated platform.

    I’ve been using matrix for a while but struggle to find active communities - perhaps due to the nature of chat rooms. Hopefully lemmy fares better.

    Do keep us posted with the technical details of the instance - I think many people here would appreciate it.

    • tom@feddit.ukOPM
      1 year ago

      Hello 👋 , yeh will post an update tomorrow as I’m looking to upgrade the server soon as there are quite a lot of users now and I might need some more admins as well