Clearly a “win-win” scenario.

Here the original tweet if you’d like to read some depraved replies.

If this doesn’t belong in this community please let me know and I’ll take it down.

    1 year ago

    “Um acktually sex work is real work and this is no different than the woman being forced to work at Starbucks for rent and anyone against this is a freakin SWERF, though obviously landlords are bad and only good boys like me who work hard for our money should rent women”

    - Western Leftist looking up for a moment from his browsing of onlyfans. Hates landlords but his idea of a paradise workers state involves a large contingent of (conventionally attractive) women available to be paid for sexual favors at a moment’s notice and imagines THIS idea is true sexual liberation. Unironically has weird ideas in his head about men being entitled to sexual attention and blackpill nonsense about significant amounts being unable to earn this in a decent way with companionship and a real relationship and favors instead continuing the commodity form in terms of commodifying women’s bodies and sexuality to meet this need through a perverse “free market” that totally won’t result in men looking down on and exploiting women or perpetuating various capitalist and patriarchal problems twisted into human sexuality.