Having discussed this IRL I have found there to be much disagreement in this area, what are your thoughts?

Clarification: This is a hypothetical so imagine it is one pill (or your preffered method of taking a medication) with no side effects.

  • andobando@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I still don’t understand what autism is. Surely by now I met lot of people who were diagnosed with autism, but everyone seems normal to me. Maybe I am the autist

    • BOMBS@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      everyone seems normal to me

      I didn’t learn I was autistic until way into my adulthood. Upto then, the favorite people in my life were autistic, but I didn’t know it. I just saw them as authentic people that had interesting quirks and appreciated their knowledge on subjects they enjoyed and lack of social games. I also had a special place for autistic kids and loved their toys to the point that I would seek them out to get some myself. One time, I was at a farmers market, saw what I now know as a fidget toy, and asked them what it was for. The lady said that it was for autistic kids because it helps them relieve stress. I played with it my hand and seriously said out loud, “Man, those autistic kids know what’s up.” One year later, I get diagnosed with autism 🤦‍♂️

      Point being, I didn’t realize I was autistic nor that my friends were autistic. I just thought that they were cool. Once I found out, I started telling my friends, so which many responded with, “Me too.” That’s how I found out that “autistic” is NT language for my “cool”. Now, the best way to convince me to a social gathering is to tell me if anyone else that is going is autistic/cool.

      • andobando@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        I understand what you’re saying, but like what makes you autistic if you went your whole life being completely functioning and no one else being able to point you out and being like “oh that guy, hes definitely autistic”