First it was change the password from the account you created 15 years ago when you last had an iPhone. Now its go onto ITunes and add a payment method. now iTunes wants me to answer the security I created 15 years ago. This process is the stupidest one I’ve ever experienced out of all the streaming services. Why the hell can’t I just add an apple card or my CC In the app.

Edit: after the reseting of my long forgotten answers to the security questions I had to set up 2 point security and then after that it tells me I need to go to the apple store to add a payment method.

  • starsandbribes@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Because its a store/purchase system too, its more comparable to Amazon Prime than Netflix. Prime is also pretty secure as its tied into your whole Amazon account.

    Apple TV’s details are peoples whole Apple accounts which is all saved passwords, icloud accounts etc

    I do think they should look into separating the two. This would open up more users who just want the TV portion.