iPhone 14 was stolen from me a few days ago. Thought I had misplaced the phone so I spent a day looking for it, no luck. It was apart of my T-Mobile plan, and I have already marked it stolen through my T-Mo account. My question is, how do I start the claim process? The iPhone was my only Apple device, and I have an older Galaxy phone (J7 Prime from 2017) that I’m using right now - which is also connected to the same T-Mo plan. Am I able to call Apple and start the claim? Would I have better luck with going into an Apple Store? I live in NYC, so there are a few around me. I am a bit worried as I have never filed a claim like this before. Is there anything I should know before I start the claim process? Been reading a few similar posts in this subreddit that were posted over the last few years; so I figured I’d ask about my issue directly. Thank you all in advance!