Help! I’ve tried researching this issue for hours to no avail.

Basically, when anyone sends me a photo via text or iMessage, it normally saves within the message inside the contact under a little section that is titled “photos” - this exists for every contact that I have a text message with. It basically shares a history of our file this exists for every contact that I have a text message with. It basically shares a history of our file and collaboration and photos and links.

However, a few months ago, I realize that most of the pictures that were in there have gone missing. Like, this photo is of the thread from my best friend. There is only two photos in there when we send photos back-and-forth consistently throughout the year.

Previously, I used to see hundreds and hundreds of photos there, I could scroll down and see photos that she sent me from a year ago. Of her son, of our adventures together and old reshared memories, etc …. But now all of them disappeared and are gone.

I have no idea where they are, and now I always have to remember to save the photo as soon as someone sends it to me - otherwise it disappears forever.

It never used to be like this. I haven’t changed any settings. My iPhone is up to date and has no issues.

Has anyone else ever had this issue? Or know how to fix it? I do have photos enabled, and everything should be set up correctly from a setting standpoint. iMessage is enabled and everything.

I’m at a loss and hopefully someone can help! 😖😖😖 thanks!