My apple movie library is reaching almost 900 titles. I accidentally purchased a duplicate title back in December without referencing my library list. Thankfully it was only a $4-$7 title but it messes with my OCD to have identical movies. I understand if studio licensing changes and the other copy becomes obsolete to “buy”. I have suggested apple add an Apple TV system enhancement to provide a notice if a suspected duplicate title is about to be purchased. I have seen this notification pop up if you attempt to purchase a movie bundle with a title you already own. This notice allows you to either continue with the purchase or not. I dont understand why they cannot add this simple enhancement feature if studio licensing changes on a title.

  • R3ddit0rN0t@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you own a copy of Star Wars, which has an internal ID code of 1234567890, it’s rather simple for iTunes to recognize if you’re purchasing a bundle which also includes title 1234567890.

    Now if Fox / Disney de-lists the version of Star Wars coded with 1234567890 and releases a new version with the ID 9876543210, there is nothing to connect the two. They are entirely separate entities.

    Apple COULD create a way of connecting them. It doesn’t seem technologically impossible. But also not something that would be in high demand, thus not a high priority. It’s also something that would rely heavily on the studios to maintain since they’re the ones who make these decisions about removing one version of a film and releasing a new one.

    • Bluion6275@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      However the atv app does somewhat resolve this very issue, now I’m not sure it’ll prompt you own relevant titles within a boxset upon purchase but separately the relisted title will show you own the title all be it still the previous listing.

  • johntothev@alien.topOPB
    10 months ago

    Issue resolved!! If you have a PC/Mac/Macbook with the iTunes app downloaded, go to the top left tab Account>Family Purchases> to the right side of the page select Movies> hover over the purchased title and select the “X” to hide. Be sure to restart the Apple TV device. This removes the duplicate item from showing in your library.

  • w1ckizer@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I had this happen when I bought a bundle before. Like you, I have like 800 or so movies. I thought it would be like a tv season and not give me the things I already had. That was not the case. I removed it just like you said.