A few days ago I asked if there was a Vim port of Denote. Well, I went ahead and had ChatGPT help me make one.

Here it is: https://git.sr.ht/~ashton314/vim-denote

Why make this? So my Vim-using friends (what can I say—I’m a tolerant guy) can work with me on some shared Denote-formatted notes.

Is the package awful? Yes. Am I gonna fix it? No. I’ve written enough Vim script to last a long time. I’ll go back to the nice land of Emacs Lisp now. (In spite of all its warts, it’s still a Lisp and therefore beautiful.)

  • abbreviatedman@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Lots of critiques headed your way, so I’ll just say: well done. I hope your Vim friends use it and you therefore get to keep on Emacsing the way you want to, which is, of course, the Emacs way.

    I wonder if that’s what Emacs is about, for me—getting to finally do things my own way all the time with no compromises, and getting to periodically re-evaluate what “my own way” should be. In other words, no compromises but… my own… personal… time…

