So to start off, I have a pretty severe sinus infection and possibly a severe tooth infection as well. I know the first because I went to an ENT, and I know the second because the ENT I went to- said that he thinks I need to have a dead tooth removed, and that it it’s more than likely also infected.

The problem I have is that I seem to have a bad reaction to the medicine I was given in that I absolute lost my shit when I was on doxycycline. Or it could have been the Fluticasone because apparently that can have some bad reactions exactly like mine.

From out of nowhere… my heart rate was off the charts, horrible panic throughout the evening, disassociation, terrifying dark thoughts of doom and gloom…. the works.

This was Thursday night.

I’ve only JUST begun calming down and then found out when I woke that my childhood-into-mid-adult best friend living on the other side of the country has died.

So I’m not doing well.

I have a bad infection and I can’t take antibiotics for it- (the idea of trying anything else makes me shake with anxiety now) and I have a white knuckle fear of hospitals.

I don’t know what to do.

I know that it’s best to go to the hospital, but they’ll want me to stay there for observation. Which is for the best because if anything happens, I’ll be safe- but the idea of being in a hospital away from everything I know is freaking me out.

How do I do this?

  • Kalkaline
    1 year ago

    Listen to your doctor and go to the hospital. Infections from tooth decay and sinus infections can go south pretty quickly if they aren’t addressed appropriately. Doctors will treat people outside of the hospital whenever possible, if they are telling you to go to the hospital, you should listen. If your body could fight this infection without help, it would have knocked it out already.

    1 year ago

    I’m not a doctor, but when my dog had a tooth infection the vet was pretty concerned. Teeth are close to the brain and eyes and if an infection spreads it’s bad.

    And the hospital doesn’t want to keep you overnight, either. If they insist there will be a good reason.

    • Rhoeri@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      The problem is, although I don’t want to be there overnight- I know I probably should be there overnight. If I have bad reactions to antibiotics, I would be in the best place to observe there rather than come home and freak out.

    1 year ago

    If it helps, you can go with your girlfriend. She can help with talking to the doctor, help manage discomfort, or ask the questions you forget about if you’re not feeling well. This is a thing that people do all the time for family members that don’t speak the language. Totally legitimate for you to invite them in.

    1 year ago

    If you choose to go to the hospital to be seen make sure and tell your nurse and doctor about your reactions to previous antibiotics. There are plenty of others they can prescribe.

    If you have to stay overnight communicate your feelings about that to those taking care of you. They can’t help you if you don’t let them know how you are feeling.

    If there is something reasonable they be an do to help accommodate you they will. Need less interactions? They can put a do not disturb sign on your door and just check in on your minimally. Ask all the questions you have about anything that makes you anxious.

    • Rhoeri@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Thank you for this. I’m probably going. I’ll need to re read these for later to feel better.