Looking to get my fiancée either a 15” Air or a 14” Pro for Christmas, and can’t decide. I’ve never owned a Mac myself, so I don’t have a lot of experience to draw from. She’ll be doing a lot of typing for work, and she wants to be able to play a couple of games like the Sims and Stardew Valley. My main question is, how is the keyboard on the Air vs the Pro, and can it handle the graphics of the Sims? Thanks in advance everyone
Macs for any type gaming are not the move
Macs for Stardew are actually not bad. Macs for competitive gaming are not the move, but casual games like Stardew or Minecraft and it’s actually pretty solid. I’m an avid Bloons TD6 on Mac gamer myself.
yeah it runs, but your options on games are pretty much stardew, minecraft and oddly enough Gmod, plus the thermals are so bad you’re risking damage in the long term if you do anything vaguely taxing.
I havent used a macbook to game in years so my info might be outdated now tho