Hi! So in my country, the 14 pro and 15 plus are about the same price and I have been thinking of upgrading my iPhone 11 but I really can’t choose between the two. My budget is around both of these phones’ prices for the upgrade but I’m torn about which one to get.

Been reading a lot of reviews and posts here on Reddit but I still can’t decide. The pro has the telephoto lens and 120hz which sounds amazing to me since I am a MOBA game player and love mobile photography but I heard the battery is not good. The plus has a bigger battery, bigger screen size, and the new camera software but the 60hz display is such a bummer. Also, I really don’t care about USB C so it’s really not a dealbreaker. I know I could opt for the 15PM but the budget is tight rn lol so I’m basically stuck between the 14pro and 15plus :(

Can y’all help me? TIA