Whenever possible, just pay them directly through PayPal or a similar service. Out of the money you pay to someone on Patreon, the creator usually ends up with less than 50% due to VAT, payment processor fees, Patreon fees, and income tax. By skipping Patreon, the creator doesn’t lose out to VAT and Patreon fees.
More creators need to start using Liberapay. It’s a non-profit organization that funds itself via donations, so the only fees it charges are the ones being passed through from the underlying payment processor. It also avoids VAT by prohibiting creators from offering anything in exchange for payment.
Whenever possible, just pay them directly through PayPal or a similar service. Out of the money you pay to someone on Patreon, the creator usually ends up with less than 50% due to VAT, payment processor fees, Patreon fees, and income tax. By skipping Patreon, the creator doesn’t lose out to VAT and Patreon fees.
More creators need to start using Liberapay. It’s a non-profit organization that funds itself via donations, so the only fees it charges are the ones being passed through from the underlying payment processor. It also avoids VAT by prohibiting creators from offering anything in exchange for payment.