• @FriedChicken@alien.topB
    18 months ago

    Is this possibly a binning issue? Is RAM traditionally made on the same latest processes as CPUs?

    Integrating the RAM with the CPU could cause binning issues, no?

  • @Happydenial@alien.topB
    18 months ago

    $600 AUD to add 1 TB of at storage!! The same price it has been for 10 years!! I can get 1TB for about $70 AUD in nvme! And yes it’s not as good but $600 Dollarydoos!!!

    I have a mind to complain to the Prime Minister!!

  • @FarVehicle5333@alien.topB
    18 months ago

    Most people are buying Macs because of the brand. Just because is Apple they will settle with lower specifications for that enormous price tag. Apple has a reputation for well made and performant devices, made years ago, and they are still reaping the benefits. I believe there is a large percentage of Mac fans who aren’t even checking the competition. They simply buy a Mac, because that’s what they grown to like and love. It’s a flawed and greedy company that successfully grew a fan base.

  • @Knips-o-mat@alien.topB
    18 months ago

    If people would buy Apple out of reason and not emotion, well then they would not buy Apple at all. Warren Buffet understood this and then went all in on Apple.

  • @Blacknight841@alien.topB
    18 months ago

    I would wager to guess that mass majority of MacBook users don’t actually know the amount of ram they need. The ones that do need more computing power actually know how much they need and will pay for the Apple price unfortunately. What people see as an insult and a problem is nothing more than a solution for Apple. The computer will function fine for the majority of the people that just want a new MacBook to stream their Netflix or use for work/school.

  • @tusi2@alien.topB
    18 months ago

    Apple of the past would’ve just priced the device at $2000+ (16/512) with no option to go lower. A different set of people would then complain that they only needed the performance of a MBA but wanted the screen of the MBP, which is what this is.

    • @Mcnst@alien.topOPB
      18 months ago

      That’d actually would be better, because then your boss wouldn’t be able to buy you a “Pro” machine that’s complete shit.

  • @egusta@alien.topB
    18 months ago

    Every article: Imagine 8gb “In a few years time”.

    The base pro from 10 years ago had 8gb. 10 YEARS! We are way past “in a few years” already.

    • @Baykey123@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      My 2011 15” pro came with 8GB. 12 years later and nothing has changed.

      Meanwhile the new iPhones have 8GB ram.

    • @BMWbill@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      The thing that nobody seems to admit in this thread however, is that every Mac sold today has hundreds of megabytes of RAM basically. The sold state drives serve as RAM albeit at a slower rate, that won’t be noticed much at all by the average entry level home computer owner. In the past we always had this virtual RAM, going back for 20 years or more, but it used to be very very slow as it used spinning hard drives. SSD virtual RAM was a game changer.

  • @Kursem_v2@alien.topB
    18 months ago

    the problem isn’t whether 8 GB are enough for the average joe. the problem is Apple are charging 1599$ for an 8 GB laptop. even for that price, 16 GB are really pushing it — especially with only 512 GB of storage space.

    so yes, the problem is Apple are being greedy.

    • @PoopyScarf@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      And they get away with it because their average consumer thinks they need a $2k laptop to write essays or browse twitter so they aren’t even sweating it with 8gb

    • @Bladiko@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      The problem isn’t Apple being greedy, they are a profit making company……that’s what they are supposed to do. the REAL problem is we the consumers rewarding their greed by continuously buying the products regardless of how they shaft us. That’s the real problem. Just because you can afford a premium device doesn’t mean you are not being shafted….it just means you can afford to be shafted!

      If we all stopped buying Apple products for 3yrs…… oh they will make changes….they are a business after all.

      • @rudibowie@alien.topB
        18 months ago

        The problem isn’t Apple being greedy, they are a profit making company……that’s what they are supposed to do.

        Sorry, I have to object to that defence. It’s absurd nonsense in the highest degree. Many companies are commercial. Banks are commercial entities, but what separates them from those lenders that charge 1000% (e.g. loan sharks) is a level of unscrupulousness that is beyond the pale. Just as companies extorting their customers is beyond the pale. Being a commercial company does not justify rampant rapaciousness.

      • @i5-2520M@alien.topB
        18 months ago

        This is why closed ecosystems can backfire greatly. There is no other MacOS device you can buy with reasonable built in storage.

      • @BMWbill@alien.topB
        18 months ago

        Basically, what you are saying is that the highly knowledgeable accounting and marketing teams at Apple know exactly what they can charge for their computers and upgrades, and after 30 years they are really really good at knowing what consumers will pay. They must know better than anyone here on Reddit as none of us currently manage the largest market cap company in the world…

    • @KingLancelot1991@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      A 512GB SSD costs $29 and 16GB LPDDR5 costs $20, and that’s fucking RETAIL.

      Those specs should be base in the Air, with a max of 32GB/1TB in the Airs, and the Pros should start at 64GB/2TB for their base.

      30% profit margin on a 1600 laptop is $480 profit per machine.

      They can and should upgrade the base, hell iPhone base starts at 6GBs of RAM…

      It’d be like $450 profit per base MacBook instead of $480, it’s just nickle and diming their customers.

    • @funkiestj@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      so yes, the problem is Apple are being greedy.

      Apple does not have a monopoly on laptops. You can always buy an intel laptop with windows or linux if Apple’s value proposition does not work for you. E.g. one of my work laptops is a Dell with 32GB of RAM.

    • @xraig88@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      They’ll keep doing it as long as people keep buying it. Why charge less when people are always willing to pay more?

    • @trombolastic@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      The main problem is that it’s not upgradable, if it was upgradable you can give me 2GB on the base model and I wouldn’t care, RAM is cheap.

      The situation now is you spend 1599$, then in a few years if you want more RAM/Storage you need to buy a new laptop again because it’s impossible to upgrade.

    • @arnox747@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      Well, I despise Apple, because in addition to being greedy, they’re destroying this planet with waste (planned obsolescence, proprietary cable types, soldered everything…) …and all for short term gains.

      That being said, I have nowhere else to go, because Apple is the only company that can give me the product that I need. Intel, and Microsoft Windows are a clown show, and have been since forever (I have a Windows desktop too… had many in the past). I’m a software dev.

      If I had a viable option, I’d drop Apple in an instant. Actually, I have dropped the iPhone and iPad already (call it courage), just waiting for a great (quiet, low power and high performing) laptop that will run something similar to OSX, …and unfortunately, I don’t think that Microsoft is ever going to be able to deliver that. I wish Linux could, but not until there’s one “consumer” distro, …and that will also never happen.

    • @TheNorthStar2@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      I’m going to provide some context – I may be downvoted.

      The problem isn’t that the cost of the ram individually, it’s the cost of the entire SKU at scale. Which is what people forget.

      The reason you can buy 64gb sticks cheap is for a few reasons – it’s a singular component that has to compete in a single category and also the volume at which it is manufactured at makes this price possible.

      Each Apple configuration is mostly unique in the sense that each board design is its own because components are soldered in.

      • @IrrumaboMalum@alien.topB
        18 months ago

        They have a handful of LPDDR5x capacities and mix-and-match them as needed.

        Like 1 8GB chip for a M3 with 8GB of RAM, 2 8GB chips for a M3 with 16GB of RAM, 2 12GB chips for a M3 with 24GB of RAM, 3 6GB chips for a M3 Pro with 18GB of RAM, 3 12GB chips for a M3 Pro with 36GB of RAM, etc., etc. with the M3s using 1 or 2 channel RAM, the M3 Pros using 3 channel RAM and the M3 Maxes using 4 channel RAM and the top spec RAM configuration being 4 32GB (128GB total) modules.

        In fact the M3 with the 8GB configuration literally has an empty RAM slot on the motherboard they didn’t populate. They likely have three motherboard configurations - dual channel, three channel and four channel motherboards with a M3, M3 Pro or M3 Max respectively.

    • @jasoncross00@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      Yeah my argument isn’t “no 8GB laptops” (though let’s be honest, at $1,100 for even a MacBook Air they COULD do 16 without messing up their margins).

      The argument is: no $1,600 MacBook PRO laptops with 8GB.

      Max Tech’s video here does a great job of showing just how insufficient 8GB really truly is. With NO difference but RAM, even with some pretty basic everyday workloads, the 16GB version is VASTLY faster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmWPd7uEYEY

    • @zhenya00@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      Lenovo, HP and Dell all sell variants of their ‘professional’ business laptops with 8GB of RAM in the same price range as the base MBP.

      Apple offering a wider range of configuration options makes the lineup MORE Pro, not less because business/enterprise customers WANT that flexibility.

      The faux outrage at Apple - and only at Apple - is more than a little bit tiresome.

    • @ineedlesssleep@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      What does that matter? The rest of the laptop is top of the line. Best display, best brightness, best battery, best build, super fast CPU. What’s a comparable laptop that’s cheaper?

    • @unitedfan6191@alien.topB
      18 months ago


      I once shared a similar opinion and also suggesting a more premium screen option and also suggested that perhaps Apple are not as innovative as they used to be but got bombarded with downvotes and aggressiveness by Apple fans and apologists saying things like, “if you cannot afford premium (for the record, I have several expensive Apple devices), then get a crappy Samsung Galaxy or something with its poor battery life and lack of tablet-optimized apps while we enjoy premium quality.

      It was then that further cemented for me that Apple (as well as many other corporations and even people) likely has a crazy amount of loud, arrogant, condescending, rude (but loyal) fans on Reddit (or the internet in general) who will defend them until the end and these are the people who encourage Apple to be complacent and perhaps even greedy.

      • @PhoenixStorm1015@alien.topB
        18 months ago

        That’s something that honestly has refreshed me browsing r/Leatherman. Yeah, Leatherman fanboys will rant against Gerber and SOG tools all day, but they’re also mad shitting on Leatherman when they misstep.

      • @cuentanueva@alien.topB
        18 months ago

        The funny thing is that a LOT of those that say things like that, have an iPhone SE and a 10 year old MacBook and talk as if those that got a 1800 dollar Galaxy Fold are poor.

        Obviously there’s nothing wrong with those. Just saying it’s a weird ass mindset to pretend your cheaper and significantly older product is better because it has some brand and not another.

        Apple really did amazingly well with their marketing. They managed to make some people believe that a literal consumer product, that sells into the hundreds of millions each year, is some sort of ultra premium item that’s unattainable and brings some prestige above the rest and it generates some inexplicable weird fetish.

      • @dr_blasto@alien.topB
        18 months ago

        I have never understood the people who feel the need to white knight some mega corp.

        Neither Samsung nor Apple are gonna sleep with you, bro.

    • @BlackReddition@alien.topB
      18 months ago

      While there is some truth in your statement, when you look at the TCO of an Apple Device, it lasts a lot longer than any other device on the market, for this I’m personally happy to pay more and again only my opinion. Try getting even 3 years out of anything that runs Windows.

      The R&D Apple are sinking into making their own processors and software run more efficiently is years ahead of others especially when it comes to battery life.

      Along with using iCloud, your Mac will manage your storage and offload to the cloud. I think the hardware software combo is on point and whilst seen as expensive, is parity to the same offering from other tier 1 vendors.

      Just priced the 14” MacBook Pro with 18Gb of Memory and 512SSD it’s still cheaper than the MS studio laptop with the same specs. But the M3 CPU will kill the 13th Gen useless intel i7 chips. Mac was $80 cheaper than the MS offering.

      You’d be lucky to get 4 hours out of the Studio battery and all your memory will be gone in edge/chrome tabs anyway.

        • @weaselmaster@alien.topB
          18 months ago

          For $1599, I should get 500 lbs. of repetitive, manufactured, internet outrage!

          How will I feed my kids without a daily dose of outrage?

          My only real skill is being outraged about some phone or computer spec, regardless of the real world utility or user experience, so I’ll be out of work if I don’t work up a good lather of outrage!

          What outrage do we have planned for tomorrow? I need to eat!

      • @Salanderfan14@alien.topB
        18 months ago

        It’s a completely different product but FFS the $300 Xbox Series S has 10GB of RAM. It’s unacceptable in such an expensive product.

      • @t_25_t@alien.topB
        18 months ago

        Sadly he was true.

        Source: I bought a M2 MBP last year base spec because I couldn’t justify the extra costs. Put the money towards a T7 SSD