• magnetosphere
    8 months ago

    I actually had to pause a movie once and re-explain that that I’d never seen it before, either.

    edit: the amount of upvotes this comment has gotten both validates and saddens me

  • @Starkstruck@lemmy.world
    168 months ago

    “Why is-”

    “I don’t know, it’s almost like the movie is intentionally setting up questions to be answered later when the plot calls for it!”

  • Instantnudeln
    8 months ago

    Its called rhetorical question. Mate is just thinking loud.

    I’m that friend and I’m really sorry. I cant control it. :(

    • Karyoplasma
      148 months ago

      I have a friend like this too. I just stopped going to the movies with him because I want to stay friends.

      • Instantnudeln
        58 months ago

        Well in cinemas I’m obviously silent because there are strangers. I just like to talk when watching movies together privatly.

        I think its really nice when the movie is a total brainfuck to make theorys with friends. If you just want to sit there in total silence even in private situations you could just watch the movie alone.

          • Instantnudeln
            8 months ago

            So you can control it.

            Yea its called I-dont-want-a-fist-in-my-face-Syndrom. So it works in public.

        • Karyoplasma
          8 months ago

          Nah, that’s ok. When you “watch a movie” at home with a group of people, you are not really watching a movie. It just serves as background noise and as an easy fallback for someone that doesn’t want to participate in the conversation.

    • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
      78 months ago

      I do this too, I’m thinking aloud. My girlfriend scolds me for “spoilers”, which is funny because I’m just guessing what is going to happen based on other stuff I’ve seen.

      Not my fault writers are terribly unimaginative lol

  • Ech
    88 months ago

    My family does this. Even if I have watched it, if it’s a movie worth watching, it’s gonna answer all necessary questions. Just give it some damn time!

  • kamen
    78 months ago

    Maybe they got something that you missed. I often miss details like that.

    • @ashok36@lemmy.world
      128 months ago

      Yes! If it’s a re-watch then fine, talk all you want. On first watch though, shut. The fuck. Up.

      • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
        08 months ago

        Because you’re not actually there for the movie but to spend time with the other person. Theaters are different but then again, there’s a reason it’s a shit way to hangout or go on a date

    • @mriormro@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      If you go to the theater to watch a movie then you need to sit down, shut up, and just enjoy the movie. Nobody needs to hear your thoughts in that exact moment. That includes yourself.

      Feel free to discuss the movie afterwards though.

    • StametsOP
      88 months ago

      Literally yes. Minus stuff like laughter, or mild gasps or other reactionary noises.

    • @morrowind@lemmy.ml
      38 months ago

      I used to but I’ve realized it’s much more fun with occasional comments as long as you can keep it low key.

      • So we can share quiet, non-intrustive reactions and absolutely gush about the movie at the end. The hangout doesn’t end just because the movie’s over. Do you try to talk to the person next to you about the rollercoaster you’re having fun on?

      • The Octonaut
        88 months ago

        Why sit next to someone not watching the movie while they watch the movie and actively interrupt them watching the movie?

          • magnetosphere
            48 months ago

            To share the emotional experiences, and then talk about the story afterwards.

            Or you can talk during the film and have this conversation later:
            “What was that dude so angry about?”
            “I don’t know. We were talking about the previous scene during that scene.”
            “That movie sucked. It was confusing and I just couldn’t get into it.”

          • @Soggy@lemmy.world
            48 months ago

            Sure it is, you’re sharing an experience. It’s exactly the same as going to a theater but the screen is smaller and snacks are cheaper.

  • @stebo02@sopuli.xyz
    18 months ago

    If I do this I’m not expecting you to know the answer, I just want to discuss our thoughts. What’s wrong with that?

    • StametsOP
      8 months ago

      What’s wrong with that?

      Because it’s insanely inconsiderate and extremely egotistical. You aren’t the only person in the world. We’re both watching the movie and we’re both equally as confused. When you ask those questions what you’re doing is interrupting the movie for someone else to demand an explanation for yourself. An explanation you will not get as, again, both of us are confused. Other people are watching the movie too. Interrupting it to try and get answers for yourself is some narcissistic behavior, especially when you’re in a movie theater with shitloads of other people around you.

      Moreover, during the middle of the movie is not the place to have a discussion. People are trying to watch it and enjoy it, not listen to some breakdown about the events so far. If you want to have those discussions then keep it for after the movie when attention can be properly given to the discussion, not a half whispered response in a tone of “Dude, can you shut up?”

      • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
        -38 months ago

        Because it’s insanely inconsiderate and extremely egotistical.

        I can imagine coming over to a friend’s place or to a date and just sitting there in absolute silence watching a movie instead of you know, hanging out and talking stuff

        Your friend is probably more interesting in hanging out with you than strictly watching a movie lol

      • @stebo02@sopuli.xyz
        -68 months ago

        An explanation you will not get as, again, both of us are confused.

        Did you read my comment? I said I don’t expect you to know the answer, I just want to hear your thoughts. If you don’t want to talk during movies then watch them alone.

        • StametsOP
          48 months ago

          And did you read mine? There was more to it than that single line.

          • @stebo02@sopuli.xyz
            -48 months ago

            Because it’s insanely inconsiderate and extremely egotistical. You aren’t the only person in the world. We’re both watching the movie and we’re both equally as confused.

            I don’t expect you to be less confused, I don’t expect you to know the answer

            When you ask those questions what you’re doing is interrupting the movie for someone else to demand an explanation for yourself.

            Of course I wouldn’t talk during a dialogue, only during non-dialogue scenes

            An explanation you will not get as, again, both of us are confused.

            Again, I don’t expect you to know the answer

            Other people are watching the movie too. Interrupting it to try and get answers for yourself is some narcissistic behavior, especially when you’re in a movie theater with shitloads of other people around you.

            Lmao do you think I would be screaming that question throughout the entire theatre?

            If you want to have those discussions then keep it for after the movie

            It’s not about a discussion it’s about speculation. There’s no point in speculation when the movie is over, all answers are given unless if there’s a second movie coming.

                • @mriormro@lemmy.world
                  28 months ago

                  Talking during a movie at a theater isn’t “enjoying movies a different way”. It’s just inconsiderate behavior.

            • StametsOP
              8 months ago

              I don’t expect you to be less confused, I don’t expect you to know the answer

              Then the discussion is not relevant in the moment and can be saved until after the movie when you are not actively disrupting the movie for other people.

              Of course I wouldn’t talk during a dialogue, only during non-dialogue scenes

              What you find personally enjoyable is not universal. While you may focus heavily on dialogue, other people do not. Moreover, things that are in non-dialogue scenes can be just as important, if not VITALLY important, to the movie as dialogue itself. By your logic, every other part of the movie that does not include dialogue is irrelevant to the movie and doesn’t require attention.

              Again, I don’t expect you to know the answer

              Then the discussion is not relevant in the moment and can be saved until after the movie when you are not actively disrupting the movie for other people.

              Lmao do you think I would be screaming that question throughout the entire theatre?

              People are sitting around you on all sides. Unless there is no one near you, then you are going to disrupt the movie for them. There is a reason the trope exists of people saying “SHHH!” to other people talking quietly in movies. It’s because they have ears and can hear you.

              It’s not about a discussion it’s about speculation. There’s no point in speculation when the movie is over, all answers are given unless if there’s a second movie coming.

              Speculation requires you to talk to the other person and for them to talk back to you. You know. Like a discussion. If you’re not expecting a response at all then it just circles back to the point of egotistical and narcissistic by assuming that everyone around you thinks that your idle musings about a movie are more entertaining than the movie itself.

              This entire conversation is pointless and I’m not continuing it any further. What you’re advocating for is some nastygirl behavior that is utterly inconsiderate of everyone else. Let me reflect that energy right back by no longer considering anything you say.

    • Ech
      78 months ago

      Not to say it’s objectively wrong, but if it’s someone like me that you’re watching a movie with, I generally expect quiet. A comment here and there is probably fine in the right context, but constantly breaking into conversation mid-movie is a distraction I don’t really appreciate. Generally, I think it’s important to understand the expectations of everyone involved.

      • @stebo02@sopuli.xyz
        8 months ago

        yeah sure if they ask me to be quiet I’ll be quiet but then I don’t see the point anymore of watching the movie together

        and yes generally it’s just a few comments but some people can’t even stand that lol

        • Ech
          8 months ago

          Some people just enjoy being around friends, even if they’re not actively engaging each other.

    • @Soggy@lemmy.world
      68 months ago

      You’re interrupting the movie and making people miss out. If all agree ahead of time to do a MST3K kinda thing, sure. As a compromise: pause the movie first.