Without an x-ray machine I think it’s almost impossible to tell. I bought a pair that my phone recognized as authentic, had a valid serial number with active Apple Care, did the ear fit test, the whole 9 yards. Only found out they were fake when they stopped charging and I had to take them into Apple for repair.
Context: left one is real other two are fake
Next time please use your own x-ray machines. :D
I’ve got an MRI machine in my closet, would that work?
No. MRI maps the water molecules. If you scan MRI and receive a clear image, dry your headsets.
Without an x-ray machine I think it’s almost impossible to tell. I bought a pair that my phone recognized as authentic, had a valid serial number with active Apple Care, did the ear fit test, the whole 9 yards. Only found out they were fake when they stopped charging and I had to take them into Apple for repair.
Why bring your own, when you can let the airport do it for you!
Book some really cheap ass flight, shove dem airpods in the x-ray, have a little peek at the screen and boom! Way cheaper alternative