
  • I deleted my Mastodon account and removed the links from the blog
  • remove ‘Projects’ from the menu and move content to ‘Notes’

Notes Update


Blog Updates

Update URL explained - The Fundamentals :

  • formatting + spelling mistakes
  • domains must not start with a dash (-)
  • subdomains CAN contain an underscore (_), but shouldn’t

Update Getting started with nmap:

  • added the option to check the results every x seconds/minutes with --stats-every 1m / 10s

Update Getting started with tmux:

  • add a way to kill the whole session with :kill-session

Project/ Service Updates

Switching secondary domain from to The reason for the change is the .sh TLD. Not a big fan and I recommend to block it.

Thank you for the feedback! - The goal is to keep all posts up-to-date and add more content over time.