The studio’s acting like it’s on a victory lap, when it should still be on its apology tour.

    11 months ago

    I’d prefer the plot to be centered around Liara sending a QEC linked to her Broker lair on a drone ship to Andromeda after the Reaper war. She has the knowledge of the Andromeda Initiative’s existence and knows they were a last ditch effort to save the Milky Way species, so they probably want to reconnect. The Pathfinder like ten years post Andromeda finds it once it gets there and crashes, and Liara gives them a blueprint to retrofit the Nexus into a galactic relay. Meanwhile she spends the next few hundred years building her own with the Broker’s resources to connect to it.

    Once you drop that plot structure you could fit en entire trilogy between 3 and connecting the two galaxies. I think it would be cool to connect them in climax of the first game and then have a story about the politics of fighting a war against the kett Empire while the Angara/Initiative struggle with new colonists and/or people leaving due to the war. That’s just me though.