Weekly thread to discuss whatever you’re working on, big or small, at work or in your free time.

  • @wop
    37 months ago

    Learning things about Wireguard and implement it to secure my internet facing servers.

  • @TQuid@beehaw.org
    27 months ago

    Getting 20+secrets into Akeyless and figuring out how to manage their automated rotation. Took almost a week just figuring out oidc auth. Not my primary area of expertise, obviously.

  • @alex_02
    27 months ago

    So been working on several things, but I am hoping to soon share some of them with the documentation and hopefully start exploring other ideas I have.

    Finally got around to setting up the labs on digital ocean and bought domains that I’ve been itching to get for a while. Been taking a look at different kind of boards and hardware devices to see if usable for what I want. I am tired, so I think I’m going to take a short break on my current things and focus on other projects I’ve been meaning to do.

    I think it is good to rotate between projects, so things don’t become dull and tedious or whatever.

    • shellsharksOPMA
      27 months ago

      Agreed! Keeping momentum is always key and if it takes switching gears to a diff project then thats great. Always fun to pick up a new domain for a new project too =)

  • TragicNotCute
    17 months ago

    Also where do you store secrets or keys? Be specific. Where do you store the keys to your keys? Leave out no detail…