• Alteon@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Do people actually give these things merit on 4chan, or is it just a joke/dog whistle? I mean, it’s sort of funny seeing someone go down the most braindead “critical thinking” episode I’ve ever seen, but there’s no way anyone goes, “Holy… shit… he’s so right!” and mean it seriously. I refuse to believe people are literally that stupid… But that could be on me, I guess.

    • ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
      10 months ago

      It’s mostly trolls trolling trolls. The person who wrote this probably did it trying to sound like some unhinged conspiracy theorist as a joke, and people probably replied as if it was a work of genius as a joke. The problem is “any community that gets its laughs by acting like idiots will soon be filled with actual idiots who believe they are in good company.” There are most definitely people who believe literally everything contains coded messages from the deep state revealing their shadowy agenda of making everything gay.

    • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      It’s schrodinger’s troll - if it’s received poorly, “geez, it was just a joke guise - trololol” if not, it was definitely serious.

      That’s largely how 4chan turned into what it is today (and has been for a long time) - the edgy jokes attracted the genuinely hateful dipshits that don’t have the capacity to understand irony (a fascist trait because of their inherent contradictions like a simultaneously strong/weak enemy), the idiots started clapping, and the dumb hate reenforced itself.

    • MrGG@lemmy.ca
      10 months ago

      I haven’t been active on 4chan in well over a decade so I can’t speak to the state of it now. Do you know anything about “Project Chanology”? Around 2008 a whole lot of us “/b/tards” decided to take on the Church of Scientology, and even went outside and protested in front of their churches. Given the reputation of 4chan-ers as being deplorable neck-bearded basement-dwellers most people were shockingly well-adjusted normal people in person. I would describe it as normal people who found it entertaining to be as shocking as possible online, almost as a form of satire (and possibly against the rapid commercialisation of the internet, would be my guess based on my own experience), but were nothing like their online personas (in the majority of cases). But every once in a while you’d come across someone who didn’t quite pick up that it was satire, probably because they had pre-existing bigotries and were looking for like-minded people. (Think about how TheDonald started off as satire, but was quickly co-opted by people that took it seriously).

      This particular screenshot reads like satire to me, but the problem is you don’t know for sure and odds are good that someone will take it seriously, co-opt the conversation, and turn it into something very serious. That’s part of why I starting avoiding 4chan, it used to be offensive memes for that sake of shocking like-minded people / friends, but it eventually became used as a propaganda or recruitment tool for people that weren’t “in on the joke” and to “test the waters”

      TL;DR: Probably not, but (depressingly) you never know

    • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
      10 months ago

      For some these “jokes” are ways to test the water. How will the community and mods/admins react? It can also be a way to find other radicalised people.

    • Diplomjodler@feddit.de
      10 months ago

      There are plenty of mentally ill people out there who will take things like that seriously. It’s the kind of people who will calculate the day the world ends from clues in the bible.