What helped you make the decision to be child-free? How do I be sure about what I want? Looking for recommendation - resources, articles, books etc.

My partner just let me know he would be ready to start trying in a year. My head just spun. I am not ready now at 31 (as a woman and my clock is going tick-tock) and I don’t think I will ever be ready. I am neither excited about the process of birthing nor does a crying pooping tantrum-throwing machine excite me!

  • doppl@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    (Edit: wording)

    I postponed the decision because I was afraid I might regret not having children (despite never having wanted them). Once I realized I would also definitely and repeatedly encounter feelings of regret for HAVING children if I did get them, I accepted that I shouldn’t build my life around the fear of maybe having negative feelings. After that, it was smooth sailing through vasectomy and a childfree middle age.

    For the record: I haven’t regretted the decision, not once.