I am a complete noob at coffee making. Which device should I get? I keep reading about stuff like French Press, Aeropress, etc but idk which is good and easy to use for a beginner. If it helps, until now I have only drunk instant coffee (with either milk or sugar or both). Thanks in advance!
Edit: Thanks a lot for all the replies guys!
As long as you have a way to boil water, you can start with the above gear, purchasing preground coffee. This will be miles past your instant coffee.
If you want to get deeper into the technique, you can continue with the following.
If you decide you don’t want to crank by hand
6.Entry Level Electric Grinder
Feel free to ask any technique or coffee varietal questions.
Sure. I’m also thinking since I am new to this I will get pre-ground coffee so that I don’t get overwhelmed. Thanks a lot for the info!