Two coaches, one being the DC, have been fired this year.

Head coach unable to take responsibility for his ineptitude. Eberfail hired two guys he can’t even defend without fear of losing his job. Listen to his interview today for proof.

OC actively losing us games.

Multiple reports of players wanting out of the organization.

2 games won in a calendar year.

A bad loss last week to a lame duck team.

Our GM trading away another draft asset for another moonshot (so far, if they sign him to an extension great, but be honest he has to fall in love with a decrepit org and hostile fanbase to want to stay. And also be paid out the ass which we don’t seem to want to do.)

Why does a portion of our fanbase put any faith into Kevin Warren leading this organization into the future? With his ties to Ryan Poles, do we believe he can be objective? Is there anything he has done/said so far to give us hope he can change anything for our beloved?

Questions for my fellow Bears fans this chilly November evening. 🐻⬇️

  • tidesoncrim@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    What exactly do you want him to say? You want him to publicly turn up the heat in the kitchen and make the GM and HC feel like they could get axed any day? The other option is to give his “vote of confidence” which is never good for someone on the hot seat either.