I love how we blame Eberflus and Poles for these coaches being kicked out of the building…like, what coach is going to interview and present his worst self? It’s not like Alan Williams and David Walker are telling their friends and employers about all the shit they do behind the scenes in their personal life. I’m just glad they have the wherewithal to root out people that reflect negatively on the organization.

Some guys are abysmal people and last years in an organization because they have deep ties to the league.

This thought that “they would never be hired if the coaches could evaluate character” is horseshit. How many of you have worked a job where management brought someone in only to find out later own down the line he has character issues? It happens ALL THE TIME.

Like, shit, ik y’all ain’t perfect either. I could only imagine how many people on this sub alone would be in deep shit in their own workplace if management discovered what was occurring in your own lives. For one, you (we) are all nasty Bears fans. Two, you’re telling me you or someone you know had never made a crude or mean comment about a fellow employee? Imagine if that circulated, you’d wind up just like David Walker.

It’s unsurprising, frankly, that this billionaire boys club of uber-masculine personalities has people with character issues. It’s even more surprising that Alan Williams and David Walker are the only two to find their way out of an organization for it. Hell, Deshaun Watson is STILL quarterbacking in this league and Robert Kraft ran a goddamn prostitution ring, yet they’re still here.

If anything, this seems like character accountability to me. But what do I know…I’m just an arm chair gm like the rest of you punks.


  • Iffybiz@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If they did stuff wrong, letting them go is the right step. That’s not what I fault this coaching staff about. What I dislike is that they never take the blame for their failures, it’s always the players fault. You never hear “well we need to coach that better” even when it’s painfully obvious they did a bad job.