In an age where the smartphone industry relentlessly churns out newer and more advanced models each year, it may come as a surprise to some that I still use my handy iPhone 5s in 2023. While many have moved on to sleeker and more powerful devices, I have my reasons for holding onto this aging piece of technology. For one, the iPhone 5s has proven to be a reliable workhorse, providing the basic functionality I need without the added distractions and complexities of newer smartphones. Its compact size fits comfortably in my hand as well.

Furthermore, my decision to stick with the iPhone 5s is not just about nostalgia; it’s also about sustainability. In a time when electronic waste is a growing concern, I find solace in the fact that my older device continues to serve its purpose without contributing to the growing heap of discarded gadgets. By extending its life through careful maintenance and minimalism in my tech consumption, I believe I’m doing my part to reduce the environmental impact of consumer electronics. While I may miss out on the latest features and trends, my iPhone 5s remains a steadfast companion, and I have no regrets about keeping it around.

Opinions on retaining and using an iPhone 5s in 2023 can vary widely. Some might see it as a testament to frugality and environmental responsibility, applauding the decision to make the most of a still-functional device instead of mindlessly upgrading. Others, however, may argue that clinging to such an outdated model limits one’s access to the latest apps, security updates, and features, potentially hindering productivity and enjoyment.

What’s your take on this?