I am one of those users who has decided to not update to WatchOS 10 due to some of the reported changes impacting usability (I’ve given feedback, not that I think it’s do much).

Everyday, I get two reminders to update. Everyday I dismiss them. The last week or so I’ve noticed that the iPhone ping no longer works, calls don’t come through, and message alerts are delayed by at least 2hours.

The obvious fix would be to update… but then the device fundamentally changes for me. I use it for expediency, but by the sounds of things it’d take just as long to use my phone (making these updates pointless IMO).

Last time I unpaired and re-paired my Watch and iPhone, it forced me to update the Watch. I’m worried that will happen again, so I’m not sure this is an option.

I knew I’d eventually no longer have a usable Apple Watch … but it looks like it’s happening way faster than I thought it would.