I have an iPhone 13 and just the other day I updated it to iOS 17.1. After the update was installed I briefly got a message saying something like SIM card not found”. I’ve never seen this before, so it was strange but it quickly went away so I forgot about it. Hours later, the message returns but this time doesn’t go away. I go online and see that I should try taking the SIM card out of my phone and putting it back in, so I do that. Doing so fixes the problem.

That was a couple days ago, now I get the same message again but this time removing the SIM card and reinserting it does not fix the error. It still says there’s no SIM card detected. I’ve had this iPhone for a little bit over a year and have had zero problems with it before. Now, out of no where after updating to iOS 17.1 it randomly has problems. I haven’t even opened or messed with the SIM card tray since I initially got this phone over an entire year ago. What do I do now?

The error isn’t going away even after I turn my phone all the way off and remove the SIM card. Please advise, thank you.