This happened to me. It was a much smaller bug than a fly though.
And I did the worst thing and tried to get it out with a q tip out of sheer desperation. The sound of the wings buzzing in my ear was agonizing.
I ended up going to the ER because I thought it was stuck in there after I killed it with the qtip.
After a good 4 hour wait, turned out it wasn’t in there anymore so it was a huge waste of time on top of that.
I now panic whenever I hear bugs flying by my ears.
This happened to me. It was a much smaller bug than a fly though.
And I did the worst thing and tried to get it out with a q tip out of sheer desperation. The sound of the wings buzzing in my ear was agonizing.
I ended up going to the ER because I thought it was stuck in there after I killed it with the qtip. After a good 4 hour wait, turned out it wasn’t in there anymore so it was a huge waste of time on top of that.
I now panic whenever I hear bugs flying by my ears.