(use-package elfeed)
(leader-key "w" elfeed)
Is it possible to combine the two in a simple way? I tried using :general
keyword in use-package ensuring that it loads after general, but it still does not work…
You’ve asked for help with code but haven’t shown the code that you tried.
Why did you add
:after general
? I use:general
in many of myuse-package
forms, but never have I added that.hmmm… without it I assumed I would get an error about unrecognized keyword. In any case, I tried this configuration again and I am getting the same error.
```Error (use-package): Failed to parse package elfeed: use-package: Unrecognized keyword: :general```
(Regardless of whether I use `:after general`)
I found an old post from you (https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/ogiiyp/in_2021_what_is_the_state_of_the_art_in_emacs/), and I tried the following, and it worked! Thanks a ton!!!
(use-package elfeed :config (leader-key "w" #'elfeed))
is a key definer created usinggeneral-create-definer
But I don’t know why :general does not work in my config.
Ah… made a mistake! It does not work.
:config only fires after the package is loaded, but this key binding in :config is the one loading the package. Bad! For now, moved these bindings to :config of general.
It would be nice if I can figure out why :general does not work with use-package.