I’ve been a Software Engineering Student for 2 years now. I understand networks and whatnot at a theoretical level to some degree.

I’ve developed applications and hosted them through docker on Google Cloud for school projects.

I’ve tinkered with my router, port forwarded video game servers and hosted Discord bots for a few years (familiar with Websockets and IP/NAT/WAN and whatnot)

Yet I’ve been trying to improve my setup now that my old laptop has become my homelab and everything I try to do is so daunting.

Reverse proxy, VPN, Cloudfare bullshit, and so many more things get thrown around so much in this sub and other resources, yet I can barely find info on HOW to set up this things. Most blogs and articles I find are about what they are which I already know. And the few that actually explain how to set it up are just throwing so many more concepts at me that I can’t keep up.

Why is self-hosting so daunting? I feel like even though I understand how many of these things work I can’t get anything actually running!

  • Salty-Masterpiece-31@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Part of working with tech is knowing what to search for und using the right keywords. If you could give an example what guide / information you are unable to find, someone could give you an example how to search for it. I personally know a few junior devs and junior devops which use llama2 / chatgpt since they dont know how to search for it or read the docs.

    • Ieris19@alien.topOPB
      1 year ago

      I actually hate GPT, dislike it’s answers and find myself knowing better than it most times.

      I’ve been trying to setup a DNS server to create my own domains internally within my VPN but I keep finding info on how DNS servers work, and how to make a records on registrars, but nothing on what I actually need to install and run to have my own DNS for example. Same thing goes for many other services, but that’s the one bugging me for the longest time because it should be so simple.

      I’ve found plenty of tutorials on how to make a cache DNS, just not an authoritative name server btw, and I’ve searched for both DNS and name server to no avail. If it was Linux I’d write some custom rules in my hostfiles and be done with it, but it’s so much harder to do on Windows and that’s my daily use OS for now…

        • Ieris19@alien.topOPB
          1 year ago

          For me, I have that as the 4th result, after some Reddit and IBM which probably would’ve discouraged me from continuing my search. I’d have to read on it.

          Also, TIL PiHole doesn’t necessarily need to run on a Raspberry Pi. I guess assumptions really do come back to bite me in the ass haha

          • revereddesecration@alien.topB
            1 year ago

            Pi runs Raspbian which is just Debian with customisation applied. So of course it can run elsewhere. You don’t know as much as you think you do perhaps 😉

            • Ieris19@alien.topOPB
              1 year ago

              I seriously thought it was a product, rather than software tbf. The name always sounded so “corporate” I never considered it.

              I definitely know more about the theory than the practice. I’m clueless as to what my options even are so I can’t argue with that.

              But I did know about the Linux “inheritance” of distros if you wanna call it that, and I’m fully aware of what that entails.

              Just honestly didn’t look at it twice cause I thought “there must be an FOSS option” without realizing what PiHole really is. Just a case of prejudice biting me in the ass I guess.

                • Ieris19@alien.topOPB
                  1 year ago

                  I’ve read that repo a million times! My self-hosting needs are more esoteric and I mostly play around with it. I’ve no need for media services or 90% of what that repo offers yet!

                  I mostly want to end up self-hosting my own apps, but I need some foundational knowledge

          • AllisonIsReal@alien.topB
            1 year ago

            There’s a lesson in here somewhere about patience. Get good at skimming. I was looking for how to do something I was unfamiliar with the other day and I had to sift through 15 results across four different search strings before I found the solution that was going to work for me. But because I’m good at skimming it only took me 1/2 hour to discover and implement. Google isn’t magic and this is why someone else recommended Chat GPT to help with some of the sifting, especially early on.

      • Adenn76@alien.topB
        1 year ago

        “self hosted DNS server” is what I searched for, but I also knew what I was looking for “Unbound” with PiHole is what I use.

        Also, Windows has a host file that it uses. %windir%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts

        %windir% is the environment variable for your windows install directory. Usually C:\Windows

        You can add your entries in there, just like Linux, though I am sure the syntax might be slightly different. I really haven’t played with host files on Linux, yet.

      • deeohohdeeohoh@alien.topB
        1 year ago

        I use Pihole for this in my home network. It has the capability to configure local domains for your internal network resolution as well as create whitelist/blacklist and use as a DHCP server alternative to your home router – you just need to configure your router to point to the Pihole instance for DNS on your LAN network configuration to get started with the DNS piece

      • JaegerBourne@alien.topB
        1 year ago

        I hate the fact you gave your honest opinion and othets have to downvote you. I myself rarely use ChatGPT to find a direct answer, instead I use it to give me resources to find the answers for the questions I didn’t think about asking or knew existed. More like thinking outside the box or brainstorming. And always do your due diligence to verify any answer it gives.

  • NSMike@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Because most people who develop these things are, frankly, terrible at good documentation, or understanding the end-user perspective.

    There’s also a downward spiral effect when you start getting into these things, because lots of them require dependencies, or ask you to do things but don’t explain why, and you’re just left wondering why you added that line to a config file somewhere, but if you don’t put it there, nothing works.

    A vertical slice of the amount of knowledge you need passes through so many different disciplines, operating systems, GUIs, and programming languages that it would look like a Milhojas cake.

    I’ve been a technical writer in the software industry for 17 years. The number one challenge in my work is extracting all of the information I need to write good documentation from the experts elsewhere in my company.

  • Svidthekid@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Check YouTube. I haven’t found a lot of written out guides but someone has made a video on it, I bet. Christian Lempa, Techno Tim, Db Tech, NetworkChuck come to mind for self hosting tutorials on containers and new applications. I’m sure there’s a lot more as well.

    • Ieris19@alien.topOPB
      1 year ago

      Thanks for the suggestions! The algorithms keep feeding me people who just explain what stuff is and it drives me nuts. You wouldn’t believe the amount of videos, articles and blogs I’ve seen on setting up a DNS server just for it to be about either a cache or an explanation of how it works. I’ll look into these later!

      • lupercal93@alien.topB
        1 year ago

        Jeff Geelong is another good resource on youtube, especially if you ever want to get into infrastructure as a career.

        Github is also an amazing resource and always RTFM.

        Edit: spelling

  • celticchrys@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Each one of these things is a separate topic/project. There is of course, overlap, but concentrate on just one at a time. If you try to do everything, you’ll go mad. Application Administrator, Network Engineer, Sysadmin, Network Security, are often separate full time jobs. Just concentrate on your own needs, one at a time, then focus on how simple you can pare down that one thing you need/want to self host. What is the minimum set of capabilities you must have for this one thing? Then, expect to have as much research for this one thing as taking a 1 credit college course, at least. Maybe more, maybe less, depending what it is. That’s a more realistic set of expectations.

    I’ve done a lot of web design and web hosting, and messing with Linux server stacks for around 30 years, now. You absorb a LOT over time, but it is all always changing. When I set up my first server, Cloudflare didn’t exist yet. VPNs weren’t a thing yet. The only people I knew with a network in their home were Computer Science professors. Wifi was not a thing yet. It isn’t you being inadequate, it’s you trying to do multiple jobs that each require constant professional development.

  • elingeniero@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    You don’t have to do it, 99.9999%^([citation needed]) of the population don’t. If it doesn’t interest or excite you then it’s not worth it.

  • mynumberistwentynine@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I can barely find info on HOW to set up this things. Most blogs and articles I find are about what they are which I already know. And the few that actually explain how to set it up are just throwing so many more concepts at me that I can’t keep up.

    This is big part of why I, even as an IT professional, don’t do much homelabbing or selfhosting. So often I’ll be scrolling through these subs and see something someone has done and I’ll decide I want to do that too, but so often I end up abandoning whatever it is because doing x requires googling for y and z because without y and z, x doesn’t work. And after a day of dealing with issues and tinkering on work stuff, do I want to spend more time troubleshooting? Often not.

  • Realestaste@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Enjoy it man! All your problems can be solved with enough effort. THis is the best part, the part where you are forced to learn a bunch of new stuff to move up in your skills :)

    Best of luck! I love this shit!

  • lestrenched@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Do you have a purpose to host whatever you happened to name here?

    There is a reason to host reverse-proxies, however, one can do without them in a self-hosted environments. First, one needs to understand the point behind reverse-proxies (this is an example btw, you might very well know the how and why behind them), and only then would the instructions to set it up start to make sense.

    • Ieris19@alien.topOPB
      1 year ago

      I don’t have a need but I do have a goal for the things I want to setup.

      I got downvoted to oblivion for saying I didn’t even find what kind of software I could use to make an internal authoritative DNS service for example, where I want to create a custom internal TLD for my VPN.

      But apparently people took offense I’d never heard of bind and assumed PiHole was proprietary…

      • lestrenched@alien.topB
        1 year ago

        assumed PiHole was proprietary

        Did it look proprietary on their website?

        Personally, I wouldn’t even run bind in my homelab. I don’t see the point. dnsmasq is good enough for me. But if you’d like to run it, go ahead!

        Creating a new TLD for a VPN with an authoritative DNS for your local network isn’t the hardest thing, I’m sure you’ll find documentation on how to do so BIND’s website. If you don’t understand something just ask your search engine or ChatGPT/Bing (do not rely on LLMs for factual information, but they’re good at summarising information, from Wikipedia for example). Maybe get in the habit to RTFM, it does help.

        BTW here’s a good list of internal TLDs one might want to use: https://serverfault.com/questions/17255/top-level-domain-domain-suffix-for-private-network

  • unidentified_sp@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I’d just install Docker and add a CloudFlare Tunnel to securely host your stuff. No need to open any ports, your WAN IP remains hidden and you have the benefits of DDoS protection. It’s free as well; all you need is a domain name for which you can configure the nameservers.

    • Ieris19@alien.topOPB
      1 year ago

      Putting a server in front of my own defeats the whole purpose of self-hosting for me.

      I didn’t say CloudFlare “bullshit” so aggressively for no reason.

      I want to learn, because I feel like I should know how to deploy stuff and my uni is not teaching me.

  • ItsMelodyy@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    The things of “how to set up” are usually covered by software’s documentation, further supplemented by googling certain specific questions and going on various forums. Never just use the first page you find but crossreference information as well.

    Having gone into self-hosting as a hobby with the intention of supplementing knowledge in my career path (currently still studying), it can become quite daunting quite fast, especially if you try looking at a big picture, rather than taking it step-by-step. The best thing to do would be to follow a tutorial within the documentation of something you’re trying to host, then expanding per step as far as dependencies goes, and then go from there. Compartmentalizing is a very effective way to not get lost.

  • muirthemne@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I think this is going to be a super unpopular opinion here, but you don’t necessarily have to go with what “everybody else” is using just because they’re the big shiny pennies that everybody else is using. Years ago, “everyone” was using Windows and Internet Explorer. Does that mean that nothing else was worth running?

    As to VPN, Docker, Cloudflare, Traefik, Crowdsec, Authentik… this definitely isn’t a “don’t use those things” post. If you want to learn Cloudflare, and want to use Cloudflare, then by all means, do so. This isn’t an anti-Docker, anti-Cloudflare, or anti-anything post.

    But that being said, I started self-hosting with a Dell laptop running XAMPP with a single, tiny, intranet web portal on port 80. It was a couple of clicks to get a functioning LAMP stack, despite me being a complete noob. It was incredibly insecure, and not the best, newest, fanciest choice to host my little website. But it allowed me to learn incrementally, and quickly, rather than feeling like I was thrown into the deep end way over my head with – as an example – Docker and virtualization.

    • I got sick of XAMPP pretty fast, and learned how to host my own database and Apache instances on bare metal outside of XAMPP
    • then I learned how to buy and set up an actual domain name
    • then I learned how to install SSL certificates for my domain
    • then I learned about hardening Apache, and things like honeypots and fail2ban
    • later, I acquired several more small servers with their own services, all behind the same router, and I learned about subdomains, virtual hosts, and proxies
    • even later, with all of that foundation, I learned about moving individual services into Docker. I only had to learn Docker. I already knew the rest of what I needed.
    • etc.

    I wanted to self-host my own intranet-only DNS server, but I found BIND to be overwhelmingly daunting at the time, with poor information for how to actually set it all up and get it working. So I found dnsmasq and installed that instead. The configuration was incredibly simple, and it worked almost out-of-the-box. Am I going to have pretentious snobs telling me how much dnsmasq sucks and how I’m stuck in the 90s if I still use it? Probably. Does it serve my own, personal, use case for the features I needed? Yes, it’s been great and simple to maintain for years.

    My “dynamic DNS service” is a bash script running from a cron job, accessing a webhook that my domain registrar offers, to update my DNS records automatically. Surely, there is some great piece of software with a catchy name and a GUI dashboard that I could be using for this purpose. But I don’t feel that I have to. My laughably basic bash script has worked without touching it for about 10 years now.

    For my VPN, for a long time, I had a PPTP daemon running on my server. That, too, had been very easy to set up for a young sysadmin who knew nothing about anything. It wasn’t the most secure, I used it long past when PPTP fell out of favor, but it worked at the time, and there was ample documentation that was easy to follow to set it up.

    I’ve moved on from most of the things I started out with when I was learning the basics, but all of that to say: Sometimes, it’s okay for something to be “good enough”. It’s okay if your server isn’t PCI-DSS-level secure and protected from absolutely everything. It’s okay to do the best you can, get your setup working… and then don’t stop there. Continue learning how to make it better, more secure, more reliable, more scaleable. But just because the popular kids are going to insist that you should never consider anything less than Nginx in a Docker container, managed by Portainer, behind Wireguard, behind Cloudflare… that setup can be your end goal, but you don’t have to start there and learn everything all at once.

  • makanimike@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    On the one hand, I feel you.
    On the other, man, I am so happy you are suffering! lol If you, a Software Engineering student are struggling, then it does not make me feel quite as clueless anymore as a normie :)