The three words “I Can’t Breathe” refer to what some police brutality victims, like George Floyd, Eric Garner and Manuel Ellis, said before their untimely deaths at the hands of law enforcement.

    1 year ago

    I don’t think this is a good faith understanding of what’s happening, as ‘acab’ is pretty clear to the American pubic at large. We’ve all, all, experienced very negative, low quality officers in our life. Hit by a taxi on my bike, cop saw and slowly drove away while we locked eyes? Completely fake ticket for ‘running a red’ on my bicycle, which photographic evidence showed was impossible in court? Officer putting his hand on his pistol when my mom needed to get my dumb diabetic ass some emergency juice in a “no parking zone”? Yes, just from personal experience.

    Enough of us, that we’ve all collectively agreed that it’s safe to assume “all cops are bastards” when forced to interact with them.

    While I appreciate the bravery in opposing such a heartfelt sentiment by a large portion of the American general public, the reasoning behind said sentiment is pretty clear, and the seeming lack of understanding is suspect.